Recent content by Lunaroh

  1. L

    Callie vs. Marie - The On Going battle

    I'm pretty sure the one going for waterslides on the 2nd splatfest was Marie, my true love <3
  2. L

    THE HARD DATA: Guns, Subs, Specials, and Abilities - Range, DPS, and more

    Great post! I love seeing some numbers to theorycraft with! I main brushes so Ink resistance is mandatory for having the mobllity i need when closing in. On long range weapons i guess you could swap it with something else, but being able to not get stuck in place the instant you touch enemy...
  3. L

    Is there known hacks?

    i know some one can technically get 3 run speed subs on any gear. The chances are just so low that i can't believe someone already has them when the game is not even 2 months old... wish i could play with him some more.
  4. L

    Is there known hacks?

    Yesterday i found a guy who just CRUSHED any team he was against. No one could get near him before dying. I'm in B+ so i may not be that good yet, but i have played with and against A+ players and haven't seen someone so good as the guy i saw yesterday. At first i was just impressed by the fact...
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