Recent content by Magnet-Alpha

  1. Magnet-Alpha

    SCL 7: Finals Week Fight

    Koopa Clan 2 signed up
  2. Magnet-Alpha

    Introducing The League [name WIP]; an alternative to the endless stream of tournaments

    A league is probably what this community needed, aka weekly based matches for a big competition and divisions repartition. As for the format, D is the one everyone is probably accustomed to by now, so it may be confortable, but personnaly I would be for experimenting A format. I know it may be...
  3. Magnet-Alpha

    Extended Team Match Ruleset Proposition (for pickup matches and league play)

    I like your ruleset, it allows a lot of tactics plays and diversity and I don't see much to change. However, map uniqueness (so there's not 2 times arowana in different gameplays for example) seems like a must for me, because of a point I would like to abord, it's diversity. This game has for...
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