MandatoryCatalyst's latest activity

  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst reacted to Catloafman's comment on DzNutsKong's profile post with Like Like.
    YES get this guys nuts on youtube!!!
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst commented on DzNutsKong's profile post.
    Hell yeah! Can't wait to see what sort of stuff you put out. You're always so insightful here on the forums, so it'll be exciting to see...
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst reacted to DzNutsKong's status with Like Like.
    This recent rally for more content creation has convinced me that the moment life opens up for me to, I should be trying to work on...
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst reacted to Mx_Diva's comment on MandatoryCatalyst's profile post with Like Like.
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst updated their status.
    I finally have it. I have gotten. The gold cooler badge. SODA ‼ ‼
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst reacted to Hokuto's status with Like Like.
    I don't even like chocolate.
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst reacted to Aiko.Octo's comment on MandatoryCatalyst's profile post with Like Like.
    Yeah this happened to me too a few days ago and it was odd since it never happened to me before XD At least we are not alone I guess.
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst reacted to Masked_Katz's comment on MandatoryCatalyst's profile post with Like Like.
    I had that happen to me last night as well, likewise Ive never been logged out until then, very strange.
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst reacted to sevenleaf's comment on MandatoryCatalyst's profile post with Like Like.
    of course. i trust you to hand-verify the maidens
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst commented on MandatoryCatalyst's profile post.
    It's NEVER logged me out before at the very least lol. And if I started maidenposting you'd trust me right. All of those single women in...
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst reacted to sevenleaf's comment on MandatoryCatalyst's profile post with Like Like.
    do you have 2fa enabled? if so that should be logging you out to re-authenticate every 30 days (usually making it clear that's what it's...
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst updated their status.
    Huh, I was bizarrely logged out of my account despite not having actually ever logged myself out. Weird. Anyways, happy 1 year forum...
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst reacted to Mp3's status with Like Like.
    I grinded a ton today and finally got Achts card sleeves! Am I the only one who plays tableturf enough to get sleeves
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst reacted to RetroShark's status with Like Like.
    My school’s got an unofficial fight club thing now… As soon as I hit gr10 stuff’s started to feel like a movie XD
  • MandatoryCatalyst
    MandatoryCatalyst reacted to sevenleaf's comment on RetroShark's profile post with Like Like.
    and you're here talking about it?? isn't that the first rule--
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