Hey, we get it. However this website is run by and for the community... and it needs ads in order to keep running.
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My very watered down theory is that 1. "Liking" a post has become less "I am standing behind what this user says" and more of a "I see this and am positively acknowledging it" function, in accordance to how likes on modern social medias work, and 2. With such a small community, individual posts...
Like, if you look at how many posts people who have accounts dating back to Splat1 era Squidboards have that are also on the top reaction score list and the post counts of those who are from the modern era of Squidboards, it's WILDLY skewed. I'm on the top reaction score list with 166 posts...
I won't post it because it's too long, yet not something I actually want to make a full thread on, but one fascinating part of Squidboards culture is post:like ratios and how it's changed. I've never been one for modern social media and always been more oriented towards forums, but it's really...
I'd try and force myself back into VDaps probably? I can't play NDaps anymore, I just can not tolerate them anymore, but I want the gold badge on VDaps so that'd be at least SOME motivation to try them out... if I had to choose an ENTIRELY new weapon that I've NEVER mained, probably one of the...
Hell yeah! Can't wait to see what sort of stuff you put out. You're always so insightful here on the forums, so it'll be exciting to see what you do with the different medium
It's NEVER logged me out before at the very least lol. And if I started maidenposting you'd trust me right. All of those single women in your area. I'd never lie to you about this
Huh, I was bizarrely logged out of my account despite not having actually ever logged myself out. Weird. Anyways, happy 1 year forum anniversary to me (And also 1 year anniversary to me having this specific tab open lol. The ONLY times the tab has been closed have been when I close ALL tabs...
I... won a 10x with Gold Dynamo. Somehow. Not well but it was the first 10x I've seen this fest and Gold Dynamo is literally the single weapon I'm worst with other than Literally All Chargers and I still managed to get the win. Damn!