Mili's latest activity

  • Mili
    Mili updated their status.
    Finally got 999 EVP in every stage... I wonder if I'll get to the point where I can get there without losing a single game, but I won't...
  • Mili
    Mili commented on Mili's profile post.
    Hit a wall at 800 I want my teammates to carry me again wahhhhhh.... This happens very often..
  • Mili
    Mili commented on Mili's profile post.
    I have to add, this rotation is just... good... I would rather have an excellent rotation but this one is super workable :]
  • Mili
    Mili updated their status.
    Going for 999 EVP on marooners this rotation, this would be the last golden badge for aall salmon run stages... Please let it happen...
  • Mili
    Mili replied to the thread Loving weapons you hate.
    I don't have a weapon I hate I think, even weapons I don't find fun to play against, it's just situational, if I had to say it would be...
  • Mili
    Mili reacted to DzNutsKong's post in the thread Loving weapons you hate with Like Like.
    Cool thread idea. I guess mine would be E-Liter? I could go into detail about the reasons I don't like it but don't think it's worth it...
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