Recent content by Mili

  1. Mili

    Just play it on ranked open, it's a fun weapon, I really like using it on splatfests too, which...

    Just play it on ranked open, it's a fun weapon, I really like using it on splatfests too, which is not the same but I still enjoy the torp combos even in anarchy, and also trying to hit the torp + screen combo hahhah. The vanilla kit is also fun,I think it's a nice weapon to play if only...
  2. Mili

    I forgot that was today oughh, I was starting to play Kirby Dream Land 2 which is such a pretty...

    I forgot that was today oughh, I was starting to play Kirby Dream Land 2 which is such a pretty game so I'll probably get to that tomorrow....
  3. Mili


    Idk, I guess personal prospects over any games, maybe Mario Kart 9? I really do want to see how games look on the Switch 2, mostly because I love just looking at games closely and having pretty graphics make me happy so any advancements on that front is great on my book. Also I say personal...
  4. Mili

    Your Dream Kits (YouTube)

    I'm still thinking a kit like this would be really fun for brella, other weapons I use like Splat Dualies and V machine already have a kit I think are either nearly perfect or perfect, so I'm thinking of weapons I really like and what would be fun for me.
  5. Mili

    Cave Story - How to beat Blood-Stained Sanctuary?

    It IS an important game for me so I just bought it again every time I lost the chance to play it, at least the + version, since I could play the original for free technically
  6. Mili

    Cave Story - How to beat Blood-Stained Sanctuary?

    Hey I've been there! Despite playing the game since I was around 10 I only completed the secret ending a year or so ago, mostly because I didn't bother to grind too much back then, and because I kept losing copies due to breaking my 3DS twice lol... I've bought the game a total of 3 times not...
  7. Mili

    Cave Story - How to beat Blood-Stained Sanctuary?

    I think the spur is the better weapon for this stage in general, since it's practically a laser beam and you already have pretty decent hovering boots by this point making the machine gun a bit redundant, though it would be a lot of trouble doing it from 0 since at that point you can't get the...
  8. Mili

    What weapon/s would you play if your current main/favorite was deleted?

    I consider vdualies to be my mains despite Machine being my favorite weapon, but if vdualies weren't in the game I would like to try vsplash, I think I like the flexibility of the weapon, with burst bombs and crab tank being such a good kit, though I would have to learn a lot more about it...
  9. Mili

    I'm still sad about this... TotK is so pretty, I want to walk and like the things I see in...

    I'm still sad about this... TotK is so pretty, I want to walk and like the things I see in there... But in the end I prefer BotW... I'm still going to give it more tries later on, but is hard when I don't care as much for the changes in the world...
  10. Mili

    Also sorry for no Splatoon posting lol, I'm trying to play more games and was thinking how totk...

    Also sorry for no Splatoon posting lol, I'm trying to play more games and was thinking how totk was kinda disappointing. Spiritfarer has been very good so far though, would recommend it if you think you'll like the game
  11. Mili

    I think if I started TotK by using the duplication glitch I would've finished it, I tend to...

    I think if I started TotK by using the duplication glitch I would've finished it, I tend to really prefer to have a lot of resources but I hate the depths so much. After initial impressions it just becomes so bland and tedious to navigate...
  12. Mili

    How much I enjoy every Slosher(feat. CRB & S-Blast '91)

    Putting my 2 cents over here, I think sloshers are the class I enjoy the most overall surprisingly enough for me, even the ones I'm not a fan of could at least be fun to use sometimes. If machine had the nerf reverted it would be my main I think but that's something I'm sure most people have...
  13. Mili

    What maps would you say you're best / worst at playing?

    For some reason bluefin depot, on 3 modes too. I have a 100% win rate on clam blitz, which is easy to mantain because I refuse to play that mode lol. As for the worst is probably Lemuria Hub, simply haven't gotten used to it just yet, as I haven't played too much. Also shout outs to mahi and...
  14. Mili


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