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I grew up on Nethack and Shiren the Wanderer. I have some big Opinions™ on a lot of modern games that call themselves Roguelikes. There are two kinds of problems I have with the genre today:
-lites. These games should not be invoking the name of Rogue at all, and any developer who does so...
One is putting yourself at an unfair advantage, the other is willingly putting yourself at a disadvantage.
Also I'm fairly sure most PC shooters do support controller if you really want to, it's an option. Just not an option that's a good idea to use knowing full well that all your opponents...
The problem with third party mouse adapters is that it's outright cheating. You're using an input scheme that's not meant to be supported in order to have a distinct advantage over players on controller. If you wanted a level playing field, you'd go use that mouse on PC against other mouse...
Personally, I'd just like Cooler to be in a spot where it is not considered outright mandatory for every team comp. But I also understand that most active competitive players - of which I'm not one, these days I'm too focused on other games and only boot up Open once in a blue moon when my...
I don't think Turf War needs to change. Remember that it's explicitly designed to be the casual mode, and the 'problems' we have with it as more competitive players are almost certainly by design. Messing with it will only alienate the players who like it the way it is.
Comebacks are supposed...
I come from a FGC background, and I play a number of boomer games that predate even the concept of updates. It's easy to say that a good game shouldn't need updates to be worth sticking with if you love it.
It's easy to say that, but I understand the state of gaming today. There are so many...
Live services come in a lot of different shapes and sizes, but I would say the core definition is just a game that gets frequent updates to keep players coming back and become a core part of their routine.
TBH, I kind of don't like the term because I think it is too vague. Vague enough that I...
Money means I can live comfortably in this capitalist hellscape. If it's enough money to quit my dead-end job I hate, I'd be a lot happier. Anyone who tells you money doesn't buy happiness fails to recognize that poverty absolutely buys misery.
But my real passion is traveling out to major FGC...
The walls are paintable, but all the floors in mid are not.
Side Order receives a major rebalance and expansion. Floor types are more normalized in terms of difficulty (no more freebies, no more unpickable run killers), balanced around hackless play as the default. More floor types are added...
About two months ago I put out a 33 minute video essay about how several consecutive bad decisions from Sega have left my favorite game on life support.