Recent content by Mistress_Nina

  1. Mistress_Nina

    what is your favorite sandwich?

    Peanut butter and jelly cause there nothing else to eat in mai house sandwich wise ;~;
  2. Mistress_Nina

    The octarians counterattack with cuteness

    Octopus and squids need to learn to stop being racist and get along > :c
  3. Mistress_Nina

    Hai im a bird

    Really o: !!! i never met another bird capable of using the interwebs. This ish a special day!
  4. Mistress_Nina

    people need to stop making there routers explode.

    people need to stop making there routers explode.
  5. Mistress_Nina

    I got dced tho :c

    I got dced tho :c
  6. Mistress_Nina

    Hai im a bird

    Thank you alot! n.n
  7. Mistress_Nina


    Hello! I am new to this site too. Can i friend request you on wii u? :eek:
  8. Mistress_Nina

    Hai im a bird

    Haii im nina. Splatoon ish fun. (most of times) Im a bird normally but when i play splatoon im a bird squid. To be more specific im a chicken. I want to meet squid friends cause humans are boring. Dont be shy to friend request me on wii u for splatoon and or smash. keep in mind tho that i will...
  9. Mistress_Nina

    Im a bird in real life.

    Im a bird in real life.
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