Recent content by Mr_funny_beans

  1. Mr_funny_beans

    Team search!

    I have two friends that I met through twitch, and all 3 of us play splatoon 2. we are looking for a 4th person to join our team. we usually play at around 9:00 pm. let me know if you're interested
  2. Mr_funny_beans

    hey, if you are still looking for a team, I might be able to help

    hey, if you are still looking for a team, I might be able to help
  3. Mr_funny_beans

    Looking for a Team!

    hey! me and my friends are looking to start a team, and we just need one more person. let me know if you're still interested
  4. Mr_funny_beans

    Looking for Splatoon 2 team

    Hey! I am friends with a streamer and another gamer, and all but one of us has league unlocked, but he's getting it tonight. afterwards, we will need a new teammate to make a full squad. respond if you are still interested!
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