Recent content by Multikirby

  1. Multikirby

    Splatoon 2: Splat Dualies Guide

    Hey, this video actually had some pretty good editing! (I appreciate to-rhythm bounces like the stuff you put at the end card) As for the tips, it's stuff that we all know in the back of our minds is a good idea, but doesn't come to me in the thick of it. So thanks for bringing it into the...
  2. Multikirby

    Ranked Battle (Splat Zones, Tower Control and Rainmaker) Discussion

    Alright, thanks for the tip! I'll have to get some more practice in once I get the opportunity to play again.
  3. Multikirby

    Ranked Battle (Splat Zones, Tower Control and Rainmaker) Discussion

    The problem I face when I'm actually holding the Rainmaker is that horrendous charge time. Now, I know everybody has to deal with it and some are better than others. But I find myself (in certain matches) constantly splatted by the thing, and I'm just left wondering how they do it.There's gotta...
  4. Multikirby

    Ranked Battle (Splat Zones, Tower Control and Rainmaker) Discussion

    I'm new to the forums, so excuse me if I say stuff out of line, or whatever. I'm having trouble getting past B-, but it's mostly because I'm still trying to figure out my role in the cosmic sense - or at least in the battles. The Rainmaker is really the enigma for me. Because I (like a lot of...
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