Recent content by N7Kopper

  1. N7Kopper

    i hated seeing side openings and corners clean during the turf wars testfire...

    Do it yourself Do it yourself Do it yourself Doooooo iiiiittttt yoooouuurrrseeeelllllffff! Or, in longer words, no, getting kills does not decide the winner. But it is one of the most important tasks in any gametype - even Turf War. Try winning a game of CTF or KotH in any shooter without...
  2. N7Kopper

    The Effect of Infinite Grenades

    Toss the Splat Bomb at the right moment, then go bugger off and do something else. Suddenly, not only do you have a splat bomb, but some poor lummox on the other team basically has to wait 10+ seconds to respawn, rather than the usual 3. Safety, style, and efficiency! Work on your aim and speed...
  3. N7Kopper

    Competitive and Fun

    Goldeneye? I had that back in the day - preferred Turok: Rage Wars to be honest, though. Hopefully you didn't pick Oddjob. Nobody likes an Oddjob. Kind of want to play some Doom now.
  4. N7Kopper

    Is online playable in OffTV?

    Online needs both screens, so Off-TV is right out. And you can also use a Classic Controller for local 1 v 1.
  5. N7Kopper

    What other modes do you expect?

    Anything above 2P splitscreen isn't really possible, I'm afraid. And even that's unlikely. The GamePad is a big part of the game, and the Wii U can't connect more than two of them at a time, on the hardware level. (Software outright only allows one, but this can actually be changed) And...
  6. N7Kopper

    What's Up With VC?

    There's something I've learned from my experience (although this is only an anecdote, so take it however you like) and that's that people who act like live voice chat in vidja gaems leads to nothing but salt, tears, and swearing are themselves the people who act that way under stress. I've had...
  7. N7Kopper

    Marking my Territory

    Born in a world of strife! Against the odds! We choose to fight! Killer Wail! oh wait
  8. N7Kopper

    Heyo Inkling Brethren!

    Testfire ran for one day, for three hours, and in one hour intervals. I guess the first hit of Inkling is free, huh? Not surprised people missed it, as I had to wake up at about 4 AM to get the first slot.
  9. N7Kopper

    Hello fellow squids~

    You didn't even have a spare 1 GB USB flash stick to shove in your system? That would have worked just fine. I'd have a 32 GB one easily if I didn't use it for Gamecube iso rips instead. (Dat GamePad with F-Zero GX on Devo with quality headphones is just too good)
  10. N7Kopper

    Aww, you made me ink!

    Obligatory dumb reference aside, I just wanted to say hi. This game isn't a surprising hit for me, honestly. I mean, I know my shooters. From classics like Doom (Super Shotgun is sex for the soul) , to arena shooters like Unreal Tournament and the little-known oddball Sonic Robo Blast 2 (A...
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