Recent content by +ndy

  1. +ndy

    The Class Zero Squids are recruiting!!!!!! (Competitive team)

    Yes I've got Skype, andyphales is my skype name. I'm on splatoon tonight and tomorrow evening, or could tryout sunday or sometime next week
  2. +ndy

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    okay set up discord account. Is it alright to add all the NNIDs on the first post?
  3. +ndy

    The Class Zero Squids are recruiting!!!!!! (Competitive team)

    Hey I'm an S rank on two accounts (sometimes A+) based in UK but play regularly and am able at random times since I'm self employed. nnid is andyart01. I've only played in solo ranked so no idea how I'd be playing as part of a squad.
  4. +ndy

    Looking for UK / EU Squids

    Hey I'm also looking for UK/EU squids to play with - do you guys play regularly? I'm S rank but sometimes drop to A+. I don't use discord but could get an account.
  5. +ndy

    Hey - New S rank squid here!

    Hi, never really used online forums, but I'm looking to meet players to practice and squad with. I'm from the UK, have two s rank files and play pretty regularly at the moment.
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