Recent content by NikeXTC

  1. NikeXTC

    Spyke's nightly escapades (or: the ordering system)

    I'd suggest to order them whenever you find someone having them with good subs. As stated before on this thread, the odds of getting gear with subs unlocked are: 30% with no subs 60% with 1 sub 9.5% with 2 subs 0.5% with 3 subs Squid Girl gear is neutral brand, that is, a brand whose chance to...
  2. NikeXTC

    Random Players and their amazing inability to Squid Jump.

    I've started doing this more and more often recently, too, and it's indeed a life saver in many situations. I have to think about a QSJ-heavy equip and abuse of QSJ, now.
  3. NikeXTC

    Random Players and their amazing inability to Squid Jump.

    Actually, what really surprises me is that in most matches my teammates don't ever use the beacons I leave around the map.
  4. NikeXTC

    Gear Ultimate Gear Guide (v1.2.0)

    I guess you're talking about gear obtained by Spyke. If you manage to get an item that already has some sub abilities that you want, it may be a good advantage. For example: 2-stars, 3 abilities: 100,000 coins If those three abilities are exactly those you want, then it's a great deal! You'd...
  5. NikeXTC

    The Bragging Thread

    Rainmaker match yesterday: had the lead for almost whole match, opponent team pushed to -12 at 5 seconds to the end. We killed them, I got the rainmaker and pushed to -11 at the extra time. That was insane. Ok, I was playing with my girlfriend's B rank account, a lower league than the one I'm...
  6. NikeXTC

    Remember that special gauge refill hack?

    I've been using it for a long time now. It's a nice ability, especially if paired with other special boosting abilities. If you have no Special Saver, Special Charge Up or the special isn't crucial to your play style then I'm afraid it won't make that much of a difference.
  7. NikeXTC

    Should the Kraken be Nerfed?

    You can do the same against Krakens, even though it depends on your weapon. You can push back a Kraken if you have a weapon with high fire rate. Sure, Kraken can turn around your line of fire and get you by the side, but it's not always that easy to pull off and it takes time. I'm a Krak-On...
  8. NikeXTC

    Are Ink Resistance Up & Tenacity worth it?

    I guess Tenacity is particularly useful if you rely a lot on your Special. I've been using it A LOT, since I'm a main Krak-On Roller squid and everything that charges my kraken faster is welcome. This is especially true in some Ranked modes, Rainmaker and Tower Control, and that was part of your...
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