Recent content by ninjake

  1. ninjake

    Tournament [Jun 25, 2016] SCL 18: Squid Stranding (Online)

    The Inknators2 signed up. Discord Representative: Jake ;3
  2. ninjake


    anyone wishing to join can respond here. I will set-up recruitments on discord but if anyone needs to I can set up recruitments on skype
  3. ninjake

    Looking for a clan to accept two new members. c:

    om specific time? and btw whats ur skype so i can add you on skype?
  4. ninjake

    Looking for a clan to accept two new members. c:

    Ok me and my friend have decided to accept your offer and join. when can we start?
  5. ninjake

    Looking for a clan to accept two new members. c:

    ok i think me and my friend are joining just give us time to fill out your sheet and stuff :P
  6. ninjake

    Looking for a clan to accept two new members. c:

    Yeah thanks for the opportunity i'll talk with my friend about the offer. Btw what form of communication do u use?
  7. ninjake

    Looking for a clan to accept two new members. c:

    Hello i'm Jake a former member of the Inknators. As the clan I used to be a part of deteriorates I thought now would be a perfect time to join a new recruiting clan. I'm currently S rank and main the custom blaster, .52 gal, and krak-on roller. I love in North america in EST time. Im very active...
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