Recent content by NTDO_SPLAT


    Side Order Color Chip Speculation

    I have a couple ideas about it myself: 1) We dont appear to have a chip that covers resistance abilities (sub and ink resistance), so it could simply cover those. 2) Maybe the question mark that appears within common tones hints towards it covering more technical abilities that could cover a...

    Side Order Color Chip Speculation

    ~~forgot to include the images in the initial post~~

    Side Order Color Chip Speculation

    Thanks to the official art that dropped a couple weeks back, we know that there are 6 different color chips in the game, as well as what 5 of them reward as seen within the September trailer: Red: Power (includes ink damage, splash damage, and fire rate) Purple: Support (only includes ism in...

    Are you Casual or Competitive?

    I've found myself very much within a mixture of the two. I enjoy playing within tournaments, discussing the game, watching/learning from top players, etc; But i simply have no desire to climb the competitive ladder. Im content where I am, having a good time w/friends and generally not having to...

    What's your Splashtag title?

    atm it is "hungry, hungry hightide era fan" Their current state as a splatband is so weird. We have no evidence that they've disbanded within the almost 9 years since 1, but we've also just seen nothing from them outside of appearing within a graphic a couple years back. Pls gimme new era...

    What are some dream kits you wish were in the game?

    My dreams are too defined by the past... I want my splat bomb/zooka octobrush back ;-; Outside of that, I think i would love fizzy/stamp inkbrush so much. Fizzy could give a weapon w/already a ton of mobility that much more, and the current nouveau already shows how annoying flanking stamps can...

    Will Side Order be a rougelike?

    ^^^ A lot from these two screens, from each floor option having some sort of bonus to a "highest floor" stat being seen, suggests that if the game isnt a roguelite, it'll definitely have a lot of similar aspects.

    REEF-LUX 450 appreciation post

    I desperately wish to play this weapon, but neither of its kits vibe w/me. Huge respect for pushing the weapon tho. Always love seeing ur gameplay o7

    Splatoon 3 Side Order is just around the corner...

    Given how much customization there looks to be within the roguelite aspects of the dlc, im hopeful we get to customize the weapon kit/loadout in some form--whether that be through choosing directly at the start of the run or gaining parts of a kit per floor. Would do a lot to give each run its...
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