Recent content by Pickleman777

  1. P

    The Banned Game

    its okay I'm not like that I actually think its pretty stupid and gets really annoying
  2. P

    The Banned Game

    Tee Hee
  3. P

    Nintendo switch 2 trailer

    I really don't like how there is that handheld PlayStation but you still need a full on ps5 to use it its pretty much useless because I'm not gonna buy a ps5 just to use that
  4. P

    The Banned Game

    banned for not having as much aura as the rizzler
  5. P

    Nintendo switch 2 trailer

    my only other concern is that it might be a little too big because the thing about the switch was it was small and good for traveling
  6. P

    wouldn't you have to be online tho to be able to know if they were online☝🤓

    wouldn't you have to be online tho to be able to know if they were online☝🤓
  7. P

    Nintendo switch 2 trailer

    I would have screamed sooooo loudly if the direct was 1 day earlier on April fools Splatoon 4?????
  8. P

    ahh I remember those days (7th grade, 2 years ago) 1.5.2 version and it was causing so many problems

    ahh I remember those days (7th grade, 2 years ago) 1.5.2 version and it was causing so many problems
  9. P

    What if Squidboards was a high school?

    bread but I only like certain ones Not (that white bread that is super unhealthy, the ones with a bunch of seeds, hard bread (except sourdough) and I prefer PB&J but with more peanut butter than jelly)
  10. P

    What if Squidboards was a high school?

    what would be your usual lunch NOT SCHOOL LUNCH if you can even call it lunch
  11. P

    What if Squidboards was a high school?

    and oh my gosh i scrolled down a little bit more and there i saw AFTER the message an ad for minecraft
  12. P

    What if Squidboards was a high school?

    i would be the Minecraft kid with a 17 subscriber YouTube channel with the lowest camera quality ever and 20FPS
  13. P

    Charger Types

    My only problem with the ones with scopes is because I don't like the way the camera moves with them.
  14. P

    Charger Types

    I was just wondering what the main best type of charger is. I usually main the New Squiffer but I was wondering if I should find a different charger with something like Splashdown or Tenta-Missiles with a decent sub.
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