Recent content by Ragendar

  1. R

    LFS- Social/Competitive for New Player

    Right now it's hard to say because my school schedule keeps me really busy. Weekend sounds alright though. I work, but I usually have a few hours before or afterwards. Works for you too, because I'm usually on late in my time zone
  2. R

    LFS- Social/Competitive for New Player

    I'm est, so three hours ahead of you, yeah? I have school Monday to Thursday, and I work Friday to Sunday, but I'm on for a few hours each day. Sucks that I'm just finding you now, and not earlier during my Spring break xD About to go to school though, I may respond here, but I likely won't...
  3. R

    School starts back up again today. Back into panic mode.

    School starts back up again today. Back into panic mode.
  4. R

    LFS- Social/Competitive for New Player

    Added! What's the best way to get ahold of you when I can play? Unfortunately I'm off for the night ^^ 4 am is my limit...
  5. R

    Octolings Across The Street recruiting!

    Hey, if you're still looking for people to play with, I'm just looking for some company.
  6. R

    LFS- Social/Competitive for New Player

    Also, I have a highscore of over 30,000 in Squid Jump. I hope that doesn't seem too prideful.
  7. R

    LFS- Social/Competitive for New Player

    Hello there, Ragendar here. I'm looking for, as the title states, a social and/or competitive squad. I wouldn't actually call myself a new player. I've been playing for awhile, and I'm confident in the way I play the game. I am, however, new to any competitive play. I'm only ranked at b-, but...
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