Recent content by Random Robot

  1. Random Robot

    Worst subs/specials for Weapons

    I think Hydra Splatiling with Ink Mines and Inkzooka would be pretty bad.
  2. Random Robot

    How are ranked ties decided?

    There are three possibilities I can think of. 1. The winner is decided by the team that has the most turf covered at the end of the game 2. Whoever came closer to capturing the zone(s) 3. It's decided randomly
  3. Random Robot

    What is your favorite map + mode combo?

    Tower Control on Urchin Underpass. Splat Zones on Museum d'Alfonsino. Rainmaker on Kelp Dome. Turf War on Blackbelly Skatepark.
  4. Random Robot

    What gear/abilities are the best for Sloshers, .96 Gal, and N-Zap (89)?

    What do you mean? All of what I said works for main or sub abilities.
  5. Random Robot

    Disney Infinity is getting Fresh too, it seems

    What's next? Call of Duty: Turf Warfare?
  6. Random Robot

    Hammerhead Bridge Analysis

    Looks like a fun map! I think that the Killer Wail and Echolocator will be very strong specials for it. The Dynamo Roller will be terrifying on this map.
  7. Random Robot

    Just How Useful is The Killer Wail?

    The killer wail is very good, in my opinion. It's biggest strength over other specials is that it only takes 160 points to charge, because of this, it helps get early lead if you can get a few kills with it or just keep opponents away from a certain area, giving your team a head start sometimes...
  8. Random Robot

    Is the Dual Squelcher Simply a Better N-Zap 85?

    Interesting, I didn't realize that's what you meant. Now I understand what you mean, but I'm still not convinced that they're better than the N-ZAP for covering turf. I'll have to test this more when I get the chance. Thank you for the helpful explanation, though.
  9. Random Robot

    Is the Dual Squelcher Simply a Better N-Zap 85?

    First of all, the N-ZAP has the same accuracy as the .52 and Splattershot. How exactly does faster firing speed not make up for it's smaller splashes? And what makes the .52 more consistent? We're talking about covering turf, not combat, right?
  10. Random Robot

    Is the Dual Squelcher Simply a Better N-Zap 85?

    It's true that the N-ZAP has smaller splashes, but it makes up for that with it's faster fire rate. I frequently use all three of the weapons we're talking about, and I would say that the .52 Gal is the worst of the three for covering ground, because of it's slower firing speed and slow run...
  11. Random Robot

    Is the Dual Squelcher Simply a Better N-Zap 85?

    Really? Why is that? It has the same range as the .52 gal and Splattershot, but has a faster fire rate, how does that make it bad for covering ground?
  12. Random Robot

    Is the Dual Squelcher Simply a Better N-Zap 85?

    I found the info on this post: You should be able to go directly to to the part about run speed while firing and main weapon stats in general here...
  13. Random Robot

    Is the Dual Squelcher Simply a Better N-Zap 85?

    Something that I would like to add is that the N-ZAP '85 has 72% run speed while firing, while the Dual Squelcher only has 50%. The '85 also takes about 2 seconds longer to run out of ink. So really, for defense, I'd say Dual Squelcher is better, but I'd definitely go with the '85 for offensive...
  14. Random Robot

    What is your list of best to worst maps?

    1. Blackbelly Skatepark This map is pure fun, and I think it's well balanced for pretty much everything, too. 2. Walleye Warehouse Probably the most balanced map, works great for every game mode. 3. Urchin Underpass Again, just a really solid and well balanced map. 4. Kelp Dome A bit big, but...
  15. Random Robot

    What gear/abilities are the best for Sloshers, .96 Gal, and N-Zap (89)?

    I think ink saver main works very well with the .96 and N-Zap. For the Slosher, ink recovery up might work better. Other ones that I would suggest are quick respawn, swim speed up, and either special saver or special charge up.
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