Recent content by Reecey Boi

  1. Reecey Boi


    The game randomly generates a sound for the player on the spot. By that I mean if you rewind in a replay the sounds will be different every time, be it pings, deaths, damage, or superjumps
  2. Reecey Boi

    What's your favourite splatling?

    ALL OF THEM But Nautilus. I love her, I need her. She is the thing the brings me joy. Wpn_Spinner_Serein. Words cannot describe my love for her. She has changed my life
  3. Reecey Boi

    Should the rotation system be changed/replaced in the next Splatoon entry?

    I think it's fine for maps, but for modes it needs to be changed. X rank especially is very stupid because if you want to grind XP in say RM, you just have to hope it's in rotation when you can play, let alone considering maps If they add another ranked mode they have to change something, else...
  4. Reecey Boi


    231 with randos. I'm honestly really impressed we managed to do so well, unfortunately maps rotated after this
  5. Reecey Boi

    what is this color? vote now!

    The main colours of the game are blue/yellow/grey (as evident by the menus and Deep Cut) and I'm ready to die on this hill
  6. Reecey Boi

    Chirp chirp?

    Fellow bird and silly critters enjoyer 🤝. Welcome to the board of squids
  7. Reecey Boi


    Honestly I really like Fridays ngl. I have all my favourite classes plus going home just feels so satisfying after it all Still wish we got the JP theme though, I love custard doughnuts so much
  8. Reecey Boi

    Splatfest W's and L's check 💯🗣🔥 Splatoon 3 edition (Copy & paste with your results)

    Team Scissors ❌ Team Gear ✅ Team Water ✅ Team Spicy ❌ Team Milk Chocolate ❌ Team Nessie ✅ Team Wisdom ❌ Team Vanilla ✅ Team Love ❌ Team Big Man ❌ Team Ghost ✅ Team Hug ❌ Team Friends ❌ 5/13.... Below average... ****
  9. Reecey Boi

    Any pokemon players/fans here???

    I love myself the funny mons
  10. Reecey Boi

    what happened to rm sturgeon

    Whichever team pops crab on snipe first wins
  11. Reecey Boi


    Don't forget the camping under every possible ledge
  12. Reecey Boi

    LGBTQ Splatoon fans

    Let's be real everyone is gay for big man even in a non gay way. This includes homophobia
  13. Reecey Boi


    ZR hold, ZR X5, ZR hold, ZR X5, right stick, R, d pad up, repeat
  14. Reecey Boi

    hot takes

    Flame me if you want for this but tricolor clears over shifty stations and it's not even close. Like bunker games and mc princess diaries were the only shifties I enjoyed. Tricolor is so chaotic and unique in comparison to every other mode and has so many different strats and playstyles
  15. Reecey Boi

    LGBTQ Splatoon fans

    The real question is who ISN'T? I mean technically speaking I'm cishet but in the queerest way possible, asexual and like 95% aromantic (probably I don't actually know lol)
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