Recent content by ReelRadioStudios

  1. ReelRadioStudios

    Unpopular Opinions

    Here's another: We think the main story of Splat 3 was the weakest in the series. -Why did a... Sentient, giant, grizzly teddy bear...steal an old man and try to cover the world in goo? -Why was Deep Cut even there? The story probably wouldn't sound any different if they weren't. -Why are...
  2. ReelRadioStudios

    Unpopular Opinions

    Give what you think are your unpopular opinions about the series. Be it about the music, the gameplay, the story, whatever; be free! We just ask that you all respect each other. We'll start: Color Pulse 2024 is a really nice song!
  3. ReelRadioStudios

    CephCity Mystery?? (SOLVED)

    CephCity Research Labs has cracked the code! Check the YT Community tab later to see the unscrambled image!
  4. ReelRadioStudios

    We don't really have a tidbit for you today, but... Something WAS discovered today at the...

    We don't really have a tidbit for you today, but... Something WAS discovered today at the CephCity Research Labs that we're still struggling to figure out. Maybe you guys will get it? Have patience, and we'll post it in the Forum Games.
  5. ReelRadioStudios

    Here's today's tidbit, sponsored by G-Co: Only about 6% of the CephCity citizens who see our ads...

    Here's today's tidbit, sponsored by G-Co: Only about 6% of the CephCity citizens who see our ads join our team; here's our invitation to the other 94%!* -Equal pay! -Teamwork Opportunities!** -[GENERIC BENEFIT]! Join G-Co© today! *Percentages may be inaccurate or falsified for the sake of...
  6. ReelRadioStudios

    Another tidbit of lore from the CephCity Research Labs: The place where CephCity is located is...

    Another tidbit of lore from the CephCity Research Labs: The place where CephCity is located is called the Gaiyza (guy-ee-zah) region, known for its fresh vibes and volcanic activity! It's quite a distance away from the other locations known in the official Splat series; at least a 10 hour...
  7. ReelRadioStudios

    The research team WOULD show you a map... If they were any good at drawing one. (We still love...

    The research team WOULD show you a map... If they were any good at drawing one. (We still love them, though.)
  8. ReelRadioStudios

    Since the public's consensus was a resounding 'YES', here's the first tidbit of CephCity lore...

    Since the public's consensus was a resounding 'YES', here's the first tidbit of CephCity lore for you: CephCity is located in the general area of modern-day Seattle!
  9. ReelRadioStudios

    Quick question from CephCity Research Labs: Would you guys be interested in us revealing more...

    Quick question from CephCity Research Labs: Would you guys be interested in us revealing more lore about the city (and its inhabitants) as we unearth it?
  10. ReelRadioStudios

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    ❤Happy Valentine's Day!❤ 1 Corinthians 16:14 (NKJV) - "Let all that you do be done with love." We here at ReelRadio Studios hope you'll use this day to remember that love for God, each other, and ourselves is what makes this life worth living! We ALSO hope you know how much we care for all the...
  11. ReelRadioStudios

    A dying scene, Stronghold, & Splatoon 4

    I felt the need to add to this thread even though I will be the first to admit I am NOT the greatest competitive Splat 3 player (If I can even claim the title at all). One of the biggest things that appealed to me about Splatoon as a series, and still does, was the bright, artsy "fun" factor. I...
  12. ReelRadioStudios

    CephCity News Report

    While we've been chipping away at getting the next video out... (Ahem, munching snacks and procrastinating...) ReelRadio Studios has been facing some rather... odd goings on. We even found a strange calling card near the office! (That Squidboards won't let us post an image of. 😖) Check the...
  13. ReelRadioStudios

    CephCity Research Labs here with a special report inkoming! Take a peek at the Off-Topic thread...

    CephCity Research Labs here with a special report inkoming! Take a peek at the Off-Topic thread and our Youtube community tab to see the deets!
  14. ReelRadioStudios

    A little Waiting Game...

    While you guys wait for the next video, we thought it'd be fun to give you guys something to do! Since this will never be an official CephCity 'Fest, here's a fun little Lure'D themed question for you guys: (We're legally inclined to inform you that if this poll makes no sense to you, we'll...
  15. ReelRadioStudios

    Update from RR-Studios: Upcoming video is taking... longer than expected. New Year's break is...

    Update from RR-Studios: Upcoming video is taking... longer than expected. New Year's break is hard to break out of! 😖 We'll have a serious talk with ourselves about this, don't worry.
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