Recent content by RetroShark

  1. RetroShark

    Describe the Avatar Above You

    Your pfp part of the goof troop fr
  2. RetroShark

    My copy of Peakmin for the Peakcube just arrived… chat is this peak?

    My copy of Peakmin for the Peakcube just arrived… chat is this peak?
  3. RetroShark

    Starting a YouTube Channel soon and I need YOUR help!

    REMEMBER ME WHEN YOU’RE FAMOUS (also I DMd you on Bluesky MOOT ME… pretty please )
  4. RetroShark

    Starting a YouTube Channel soon and I need YOUR help!

    What the link for the tube tho >:)
  5. RetroShark

    Last person to comment wins!

    Fine, it’s actually just Pi as a percentage >:)
  6. RetroShark

    Last person to comment wins!

    Idk 50.36749292%
  7. RetroShark

    Last person to comment wins!

    Fingers crossed yha Also love how this thread is just a general chat now
  8. RetroShark

    Last person to comment wins!

    Mmm nah I kinda want to too ;)
  9. RetroShark

    Last person to comment wins!

    Am I winning now?
  10. RetroShark

    Help! I turned my twitter account into Wario’s since I don’t use it anymore…

    Help! I turned my twitter account into Wario’s since I don’t use it anymore…
  11. RetroShark

    The Banned Game

    ^banned because add me on sky :(
  12. RetroShark


    Definitely not joining in :D
  13. RetroShark

    The Banned Game

    Banned because sky cotl
  14. RetroShark

    The Banned Game

    ^banned because I’m out of candles and haven’t played because school (and warioland 4)
  15. RetroShark

    The Banned Game

    ^banned because yes
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