Recent content by Rime

  1. R

    Pretendo Oddities

    Subs of Main-exclusives do nothing, and can be done with hacked saves IIRC, the second image *is* weird and I would call it out as prohibited given it looks like a replaced weapon icon like those folks that made their main icon a splat bomb a few years ago.
  2. R

    Ex-Splat 3 player, moved to Pretendo

    During weekends and mornings it's around 2-5 minutes, nights it largely seems to vary based on whether you can get a multiple of 8 people in the queue at once (wait time is based on people changing their loadouts). There was a split between the beta testing network and the release one last year...
  3. R

    Ex-Splat 3 player, moved to Pretendo

    Both of you should set it up then! The current custom firmware (Aroma) is easy enough to get running and using SaveMii and SplatHex you can get around the grinding that isn't suited for lower player numbers Pretendo works with. There is even a custom splatfest community, Splatfestival, but I...
  4. R

    Your Hot takes!

    Agreed, I feel the main downside of dart has always been the difficulty of using it at range, it's never been weak. My hot take is that splatoon is reaching the point tf2 was with sniper players, and that more than snipewriter is needed to check the ability to deny areas charger players have.
  5. R

    QoL features that you'd like to see?

    I would like to see how many ms ping I have to the game host, and the ability to put a mild delay (20-100ms) on that. Don't know how much of it is screwy 3 netcode but it made fighting with american and Asian players a bit hard when there was noticeable failures resolve close range actions at...
  6. R

    What weapons do you wish you saw more of on Pretendo?

    Right now most games are turf war in my region, which does influence makeup, but shooters and chargers are the most common at night, but after using brushes and seekers people have been choosing kits off their usual splattershot and charger. What's stuff you haven't been seeing that would...
  7. R

    Ex-Splat 3 player, moved to Pretendo

    Hey all, Australian fan of splatoon here, had a switch lite up until late 2023 playing splatoon 3, and decided to move to wii u after feeling like 3 wasn't doing well community- or meta- wise. Enjoying the brush kits in the original, despite the lack of some quality of life improvements the...
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