Recent content by rulesofxem

  1. rulesofxem

    One Custom Kit For Every Weapon

    Here's our 3rd screen weapon, the Jet Squelcher PS. This is definitely absolutely not a reference to anything. Nope.
  2. rulesofxem

    One Custom Kit For Every Weapon

    Another first! Here's our first vac weapon, being the N-ZAP '83. No bombs in sight, but you get sensors and a cheap vac to boot.
  3. rulesofxem

    One Custom Kit For Every Weapon

    Here's the Mahogany Octobrush! Mist is a bit of a downer, but in exchange you get a crab.
  4. rulesofxem

    One Custom Kit For Every Weapon

    At last, our first splashdown weapon! This is the Evil Clash Blaster. R&D has named it the Noob Stomper 3000.
  5. rulesofxem

    One Custom Kit For Every Weapon

    I'm alive! Let's start off with the Douser Dualies GH. It's the FF kit but, like, scarier.
  6. rulesofxem

    What are some weapons that would be great, if only they had better kits? (Discussion)

    I Love Custom Kits And Self Promo Please Click Here to win One Jillion Dollars !
  7. rulesofxem

    One Custom Kit For Every Weapon

    Last one for now, the Marinated Splatana Stamper. Let's be honest with ourselves for a second and admit that nothing can top the previous 2 kits it got. You do, however, get funny gambit powers now!
  8. rulesofxem

    One Custom Kit For Every Weapon

    Here's our first splatana, the Pearlescent Splatana Wiper! For some reason, it seems oddly familiar. Does it remind you of someone? No? Yes? No? Maybe?
  9. rulesofxem

    One Custom Kit For Every Weapon

    I'm back! Only 3 kits today, but they're special. Let's start off with the Rapid Blaster Pro ECS-12. Try saying that 10 times fast. It finally has wall again, you're welcome.
  10. rulesofxem

    Weapons I have stared list???

    Here's some weapons! I'm so mentally stable it's insane. Shoutout 96 for not being on this list !?
  11. rulesofxem

    Making an ability only balance patch

    I need that bubbler change, people never really use the beakon part of bubbler. Cool patch!
  12. rulesofxem

    One Custom Kit For Every Weapon

    Behold the M2 Explosher, our second screen weapon. And, yes, it DOES combo!
  13. rulesofxem

    One Custom Kit For Every Weapon

    We had to reach this point eventually. Here's the Snipewriter HB, our first screen weapon so far. And, no, it doesn't combo. (As of patch 7.2.0, it does!)
  14. rulesofxem

    One Custom Kit For Every Weapon

    At last, a dynamo kit. This is the Crimson Dynamo Roller, and I'm scared of it.
  15. rulesofxem

    One Custom Kit For Every Weapon

    4 more kits today! Let's start with the Gold Luna Blaster. Is it gold or brass? That's up to you.
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