Recent content by Sicky

  1. Sicky

    Coaching in Splatoon 2?

    Glad to see other people are considering this, there's sure to be a lot of veterans/former players like myself who would be interested in sharing insights on weapons and strategies to developing teams - especially considering the time/practice commitment to being a coach would likely be lower...
  2. Sicky

    Thoughts on the new Roller Changes?

    The change to the roller's core mechanics in Spla2n is the perfect kind of change. It doesn't break the weapon (allows roller to paint walls better, provides longer stream of ink to swim in etc.) and simultaneously changes a low-skill exploit (jumping then flicking) to make it harder to abuse...
  3. Sicky

    I kind of don't want Stealth Jump to return in Splatoon 2.

    Hmm, as a Luna Neo main myself (and one who usually runs a QR/SJ build because I don't need anything else on this weapon), I think there is validity to both arguments. On the one hand, I would really like to see SJ removed because of its combo with QR that allows a kamikaze playstyle to be...
  4. Sicky

    Spla2n's gyros...

    Spla2n's gyros...
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