Recent content by SnowySprig

  1. SnowySprig

    Clam blitz map pools

    i think its not run as much cus mako is such a generally solid map across all modes, and its often ran for sz and tc instead of cb. and i think thats usually because its easier to come across decent cb maps compared to tc, but sz also has plenty imo. ive definitely seen tc/cb mako ran in the...
  2. SnowySprig

    coolerless comps

    sorry if my language was vague, cus thats not exactly what i was getting at /gen. what i more meant was people are using cooler as a crutch, not that it inherently is one. but still because of that, its harder for people to understand where they need to improve at because of how cooler works. as...
  3. SnowySprig

    coolerless comps

    my personal playstyle leans a lot more towards how coolerless would play, but i still find success with cooler. i think the biggest issue rn with cooler is people constantly running it to cover up bad habits, and therefore not improving in the places they need to be (which also kinda leads into...
  4. SnowySprig

    im p good, mostly busy with school atm, but not bad--and hope your medical problems go over...

    im p good, mostly busy with school atm, but not bad--and hope your medical problems go over smoothly!
  5. SnowySprig

    omg ant hiii hru

    omg ant hiii hru
  6. SnowySprig

    Updating the guides section

    gonna bump this again, cus i agree! im confident in my own knowledge in the specific areas i have a large interest in--mostly splatlings, decision-making, general team coordination, and a few odds-and-ends here and there--so i'd love to given some information and insight into those things. i'd...
  7. SnowySprig

    what happened to rm sturgeon

    my theory is people are scarred by randoms always taking rain left route from mid, and losing matches in soloq to that alone. i do think its an issue when i havent given a mapmode a critical look just because i never see it played on or play on it myself in tourney (and this also kinda goes with...
  8. SnowySprig

    Contest: Make the Low Ink Map Pool

    this is a good challenge! i dont use twitter much (yes i would make a bad TO, but i have massive respect for the craft), and decided to make 2 versions of this: one that follows the directions the best i could (top), and the other where i took only my own opinions of maps into account, just for...
  9. SnowySprig

    General Guide playing smarter: a guide to improving tactical thinking

    i love this!!! this is the type of educational content i think we need more of in the community--especially cus analytical content doesn't really fit the format of other places where the community is--so seeing this at all is super nice! and just personally, im definitely interested in making...
  10. SnowySprig

    How long are you planning on using Squidboards?

    the guides feature this site has is really invaluable, especially compared to the other options we have currently, so i cant see myself stopping anytime soon (so please make guides! i know i will!).
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