Recent content by Squid_Boards

  1. S

    Gauging interest in a gimmick tournament...

    I'd be down to play this! I like the concept of Sevenleaf's idea of changing the scoring/killing system somewhat to better reflect engagement rather than stalling, but I have no idea how exactly to go about that And agreed with Solz that beacons would be kinda op. As much as I'd like to play a...
  2. S

    Didn’t Know I Wanted That: The Two Bad Weapons That I Play

    While I haven't really played it myself (I haven't played most chargers), I've always admired the goo tuber for its uniqueness. As gimmicky as the insanely long charge hold seems, it's definitely a useful mechanic that enables it to have much more mobility than the rest of the charger class...
  3. S

    Community Solo Queue Meetup!

    Ggs everyone! I think I only saw one or two of you in matches but it was a very good time! :)
  4. S

    Thanks so much!

    Thanks so much!
  5. S

    What's Your Favorite non-Splatoon Game?

    I don’t think anything will ever top playing New Super Mario Bros Wii on Christmas Day every year when I was a kid
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