Recent content by srslyeffnawsum

  1. srslyeffnawsum

    Splatoon: Anxiety From Killing Noobies

    I mean I really like ranked because I feel like I'm better at it, but it really is no mercy most of the time. And at first I just get frustrated when I get killed so much, but by the end of the match I'm just laughing like, "Guys, can we chill out for a moment?!"
  2. srslyeffnawsum

    Hello (*゚ー゚)ゞ

    No problem, please do! <3
  3. srslyeffnawsum

    Splatoon: Anxiety From Killing Noobies

    Yeah, it's hard to distinguish what's in good fun and what's taunting since there isn't any communication. So after a while, I just back off instead and refocus my target to someone who's been killing me most of the game. Then again, I play more ranked, and most the time ranked matches, people...
  4. srslyeffnawsum

    Splatoon: Anxiety From Killing Noobies

    Well, I guess I don't really mean it as a taunt, kind of as an "I'm sorry, now I'm just playing around" but then I usually try to leave them alone the rest of the match if I think they're struggling and focus on whoever kills me more. Or if there's a sniper somewhere, I will hunt them down. But...
  5. srslyeffnawsum

    What is your favorite food to eat?

    Oh man, I love shrimp, but sushi has got to be my favorite food ever. Sushi with shrimp or crab, or spicy stuff... I totally just had some two days ago, yum yum.
  6. srslyeffnawsum

    Splatoon: Anxiety From Killing Noobies

    I play mostly at night, so I end up playing alongside the Japanese Splatoon community and getting torn to pieces on most nights. No mercy, I swear. So when I do play during the day, I notice the difference immediately. And if I realize I'm destroying the same person over and over and it seems...
  7. srslyeffnawsum

    What have you changed your mind about?

    I didn't like playing any ranked mode at first when I getting used to the game because I wasn't that great at it, but now that's basically all I play. Except Rainmaker, I don't think I'll ever enjoy Rainmaker just because I feel like when I play, no one wants to actually grab the Rainmaker! They...
  8. srslyeffnawsum

    Hello (*゚ー゚)ゞ

    Feel free to add me also, my NNID is Seikuyuu!!
  9. srslyeffnawsum

    What's your favorite thing to do to pass the time?

    I spend way too much of my free time on tumblr literally doing nothing. But usually that's after I come home from work and just chilling on the internet rests my mind a little bit. Other than that, I draw and write... and watch A LOT of speed runs on youtube...
  10. srslyeffnawsum

    Kpop Social

    Kpop has consumed my musical soul. It's about all I listen to these days, really. My favorites are Vixx, BTS, and Sistar! <3
  11. srslyeffnawsum

    What are your top 5 non-Nintendo games

    Thinking of favorite non-Nintendo titles was really tricky at first, but I got it. 1. Final Fantasy X: My most favorite game ever, I literally replay it every year since it came out. 2. Chrono Cross: I got a PS2 very late in life and my mom randomly bought this game for me because she thought...
  12. srslyeffnawsum

    Hello (*゚ー゚)ゞ

    I have a weird schedule where I work right in the middle of the day for eight hours, but most the time I try to play at night, and weekends for sure! I'll have to add you the next time I get on! Thank you!
  13. srslyeffnawsum

    Hello (*゚ー゚)ゞ

    Hey, hey... not really sure what to say here. Been playing for about a year, but had to restart all my save data recently from scratch, so I've been getting back into the game hardcore. But looking for people to play with or talk about the game with because none of my friends do. Anyway...
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