Recent content by SuperLuigi231

  1. SuperLuigi231

    Mario Social Thread

    I don't have much experience with Rabbids, but the style of the game looks really interesting. This seems like the weirdest crossover ever (do Mario and the Rabbids have ANYTHING in common?), but I like strategy-based games, so I would probably get it. EDIT: But I'm probably not even going to...
  2. SuperLuigi231

    Mario Social Thread

    It's been exactly 2 years since Satoru Iwata passed away. I still remember when I first heard about his passing; it doesn't even seem like that long ago. His legacy will hopefully continue through the Nintendo Switch and whatever comes from Nintendo next...
  3. SuperLuigi231

    Japanese Learners Thread!

  4. SuperLuigi231

    Japanese Learners Thread!

    I am actually doing Duolingo but I am getting somewhat frustrated because it does not explain the grammar, it just gives you questions on the grammar and asks you to answer it, which I answer correctly through trial and error and don't really learn the topic.
  5. SuperLuigi231

    Japanese Learners Thread!

    I was just asking to see how が was being used. So が in that phrase refers to これ (this), and is used because both people know what これ refers to (in this case, the car)?
  6. SuperLuigi231

    Japanese Learners Thread!

    Thanks! So when は is used as an particle, it is pronounced "wa"?
  7. SuperLuigi231

    Japanese Learners Thread!

    I think I more or less get everything you said. Just some questions and clarification: Why is こんにちは pronounced konnichiwa instead of konnichiha? わたしのいぬ means "my dog", right? Could you break this phrase down for me? これが私の車て EDIT: Also, using です is the formal way to end sentences?
  8. SuperLuigi231

    Japanese Learners Thread!

    Hello! I cannot introduce myself in Japanese yet, so I'm not going to try. I've been studying Japanese for about 3 weeks on various (free) resources. Right now my favorite resource is I've learned Hiragana, and am starting Katakana now. But I feel...
  9. SuperLuigi231

    Mario Social Thread

    Wait wait wait! Cappy IS A GHOST????? Is that the white top hat thing? I just saw it a couple of times, but I didn't give it much thought. I never realized... Also, I know you play splatoon, since you are on this site. I just wanted to know if you have been playing it recently (because I haven't).
  10. SuperLuigi231

    Mario Social Thread

    You are making me jealous :(. I never really used miiverse though, and probably won't use any kind of social media on the Switch (if I ever get one). Screenshots would be really cool though! The only zelda game that I have played is Skyward Sword, and I gave up in the middle of it because a) I...
  11. SuperLuigi231

    Mario Social Thread

    Thanks for the resources! I'll definitely look into them later. It will definitely take me some time to get the syntax down, like you said. I think Cackletta is okay, but I honestly prefer some of the other villains of the series, especially Fawful (he is just too hilarious in how he speaks)...
  12. SuperLuigi231

    Mario Social Thread

    Wait, you made these? They look AMAZING! I have absolutely no talent in art. Though I am trying to learn Japanese... Somewhat unsuccessfully, since I am trying to do it foe free, and there are not really that many free resources available. I have tried a 3DS emulator for Super Mario 3D Land...
  13. SuperLuigi231

    Mario Social Thread

    I never actually got to play this game in my childhood because I was born in the DS generation. (my first DS was a collector's edition Mario red with his logo in the corner). After borrowing M&L:BIS from a friend, I wanted to play all of them, so I finished SS and PiT on emulators. Doesn't mean...
  14. SuperLuigi231

    Mario Social Thread

    Hey! I'm back after a REALLY long time! I saw the trailer on youtube today. Apparently its a remake of M&L:SS with the art from Dream Team, plus a new mode where you are fighting as Bowser's minions to get your king back. There was some stuff with you controlling a (small) goomba army and...
  15. SuperLuigi231

    What are your top five favorite Nintendo games of all time?

    5. Super Paper Mario 4. Splatoon 3. Pokemon TCG Online (technically not a console game, but I am HOOKED on it) 1 & 2: Tie between Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story I've played so many games, it's kinda hard to rank them... I guess this is as accurate...
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