Recent content by takoyakispl

  1. takoyakispl

    Difficulty Discussion

    Hi there, mid level competitive player here! I have about 2000 hours in splatoon, and i don't really have a good representation of my peak x rank because i don't play x, mainly i stick to scrims, tournaments, and competitive queue systems, but I am around luti div 4 level. First thing I want to...
  2. takoyakispl


    LMAOO LES GO if yall wanna play some open with me some time lmk
  3. takoyakispl

    Hopes for new Dualies?

    Well that's... Literally just dualies squelchers and gloogas. Gloogas have longest roll distance of any dualies and squelchers slide out of their rolls giving them effectively some of the best mobility of any dualies, and they definitely do not have enough range to qualify as long range
  4. takoyakispl

    Hopes for new Dualies?

    Long range dualies, longer than squelchers or glooga. Donelt need to have super good damage or fighting capability but good paint and a good kit. We haven't seen a super mobile anchor yet
  5. takoyakispl

    requests: ill draw your fav pokemon poorly

    Ogerpon (w/ mask off) !!
  6. takoyakispl

    Do you play Comp Splatoon 3?

    I'm looking for mid level but if I can't find a team ill reach out !
  7. takoyakispl

    Last person to comment wins!

  8. takoyakispl

    question about riptide 2024?

    you can join this server !
  9. takoyakispl


    Ignore my x powers I don't play x and was 7 divs lower when I calced them lol
  10. takoyakispl

    How nice of a kit did your main(s) get?

    I play tent I am EATING Also stamper we ball Blob and explo are ok blob deco is my personal ideal kit but realistically it's not so good, explo kit i don't like so much
  11. takoyakispl

    Evan's Remaining 2nd Kit Predictions

    it can get like 2-3 shots on zipcaster lol people have modded it in. even with 2s ism 2s spu it gets like 4 shots
  12. takoyakispl

    Weapon kits were designed for different game modes

    I would actually argue vac is better than kraken right now but for the role 96 plays and with a wall and everything else kraken works amazingly
  13. takoyakispl

    Evan's Remaining 2nd Kit Predictions

    That cexplo kit is gross give us mine crab or beakon crab grah
  14. takoyakispl

    What's your favorite special and why?

    Chump is just really fun to use lol it's easily my favorite. Crab is a close second for me, zipcaster fun but only on stamper
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