Recent content by The Game Wheel

  1. The Game Wheel

    Create a dream kit for your main, BUT...

    fizzy hammer inkbrush, mine hammer is almost a perfect kit but i think a bomb would help it in lockout situations
  2. The Game Wheel

    Stamp in SR?

    Ima be so fr why isn’t stamp in salmon run
  3. The Game Wheel

    Dynamo is going to replace Pencil

    I I find it funny because i feel like pencil being nerfed is the most copium part of this post
  4. The Game Wheel

    Do yall use lockers?

    heya! glad to see there’s someone that does 😂
  5. The Game Wheel

    Do yall use lockers?

    Love the holo stickers on the front!!
  6. The Game Wheel

    Do yall use lockers?

    same i’m terrible at designing it 😭 so i never really bother
  7. The Game Wheel

    Do yall use lockers?

    Does anyone actively use the locker feature? I always get decorations but I never realllly think about decorating it
  8. The Game Wheel

    Charger Second Kits

    Genuinely think anything would be better for bamboo, not in the way that you made it bad but that that actually has a chance to happen 😭
  9. The Game Wheel

    Lowkey they should buff stamp just sayin

    Lowkey they should buff stamp just sayin
  10. The Game Wheel

    Decided to make the switch and not disappointed so far!

    Saw everyone going back here and I think with a few updates to be a bit more modern this site can legit be next up! Can't wait to see if the community ends up staying here or not cuz i lowkey hope we do
  11. The Game Wheel

    Special Tier List 6.1 (SZ Only)

    I think splashdown just needs some of its properties back since it lost em from 2 -> 3, 10 frames shaved off and better radius (super jump or not) would wildly buff it
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