Recent content by thor

  1. thor

    NNID sharing :)

    Hey guys, I'm in the same timezone so if anyone is looking to play add my Skype:cecpanjin and NNID: Mrpupps Rank: B+ Weapon: Splattershot Pro/Neo Blaster I'm on almost every night so very active, looking to squad, i have some friends of my own to bring to the table!
  2. thor

    Looking for English speakers in an Asian timezone.

    Up to 15 now but not everyone plays at regular times, still looking for more squids!
  3. thor

    Looking for English speakers in an Asian timezone.

    Just in update, we now have 12 members, but still need a few more. Come find us!
  4. thor

    What country are you from?

    I'm American but live in China.
  5. thor

    Looking for English speakers in an Asian timezone.

    We have a small but dedicated group in China, looking to add a few more and start playing squad matches. We communicate through the social messaging app WeChat, if you have that or want to play you can add me at WeChat ID: 1002325510 Happy splatting!
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