Recent content by Twonkerbell

  1. Twonkerbell

    Cyberbullies (aka SS-C / Determination) now recruiting!

    I've applied. My skype is Teenin_twink. My skype is also in my application.
  2. Twonkerbell

    Looking for active squad

    Hello. I am Twonk and I am looking to get into the competitive scene and play in tournaments, scrims, etc. Here is some information: Rank: S Age: 13 Discord/skype?: Yes Time Zone: MST Main weapons: Dual Squelcher, Splattershot pro, tentatek, slosher Activity: 5:30pm EST to 9:00pm EST on...
  3. Twonkerbell

    Disruptors [Di] Is Recruiting [OPEN]

    We are now recruiting A+ rank and above. We plan to play in League Under the Ink. Activity is an absolute must.
  4. Twonkerbell

    Disruptors [Di] Is Recruiting [OPEN]

    I ask at the bottom that you send it to me on skype, and if that's not possible then through a squidboard PM
  5. Twonkerbell

    Disruptors [Di] Is Recruiting [OPEN]

    Activity as in how active you can play and be on skype/discord
  6. Twonkerbell

    Disruptors [Di] Is Recruiting [OPEN]

    Bump. Still recruiting :D
  7. Twonkerbell

    vι • the visionaries • applications open!

    I understand maturity but i've seen 10 year olds that are more mature than some 25 year olds :p Also how is it not discrimination if there is a rule put against you because of your age?
  8. Twonkerbell

    Disruptors [Di] Is Recruiting [OPEN]

    10/10 being super active and 1/10 being super inactive, x represents the number that you would rate yourself out of 10
  9. Twonkerbell

    With the updates stopping around January, do you think the content we have is worth the $60?

    I'd honestly like to see at least one more game mode, but what we have right now is definitely worth the $70 that I paid for the game. It is sad to see that the content is coming to an end though, and I feel after that when there is no more new content coming a lot of the hype will come down and...
  10. Twonkerbell

    Seabagging general

    Whenever someone squidbags me it always throws off my focus and I get irritated, finding myself focusing on killing them rather than the objective. It is disrespectful but what can you do about salt xd
  11. Twonkerbell

    Things I've Learned from my Alt Account

    I'm assuming you're playing turf war? I don't see how lower levels could be more laggy than the higher levels, maybe it was just you being unlucky with who you got paired up with :p
  12. Twonkerbell

    Disruptors [Di] Is Recruiting [OPEN]

    Sorry, that was a mistake i'll fix it right now Edit: Done
  13. Twonkerbell

    Disruptors [Di] Is Recruiting [OPEN]

    Hey there, we are looking for rank A+ and up squids that are active everyday. We will have 2 teams, these will be for tournaments only. We want to grow as players as well as having fun along the way. Requirements: Activity Activity Activity Profficient knowledge of more than 2 weapons Desire...
  14. Twonkerbell

    Competitive Squad Searching Thread

    Forum Name: Twonkerbell Country: Canada (MST) Current Role/Weapon: Splatterscope and Splattershot NNID: Twinklebutter58 Your Age: 13 Age Range of Group you are looking for: I don't care Additional Contact Information: My skype is Teenin_Twink I am an S rank at the time of making this. I'm...
  15. Twonkerbell

    Looking for new people to join Team Kaxe

    Applied :) !
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