Recent content by Vexen

  1. Vexen

    Competitive Squad Searching Thread

    Forum Name: Vexen Country: USA Current Role/Weapon: Primarily play offensively but can play defensively as well. Weapons I use are; tentatek splattershot, splatter shot pro, forge splatter shot pro, .52 gal deco, sloosher, splatling gun, .96 gal deco, krak-on roller, rapid blaster, and ranged...
  2. Vexen

    Will Commentary Start For Splatoon?

    Without spectator its not really possible for it to happen
  3. Vexen

    suggestion for competitive

    Like I said on the rule suggestion thread, matches should be Bo5 and depending on how many maps we end up getting each team strikes as many maps there are until only 5 remain and then the teams pick the map order along with the mode they want on that map with the mode for the 5th map being...
  4. Vexen

    The Meta's most underrated weapons.

    I think disruptor would be more for confirming kills with its damage instead of using a special to get the kill. Probably one of my top 5 least viable guns currently out there though. It reminds me of the assault rife on halo that would fire 3 shots, wasn't the worst gun but wasn't the best
  5. Vexen

    The Meta's most underrated weapons.

    I know those variables apply to every gun in the game but when you put those exact variables against the squiffer, it is found to be wanting more than any other gun in the game. I have no idea where you're getting the idea I'm saying that the squiffer is bad because it can't kill people outside...
  6. Vexen

    The Meta's most underrated weapons.

    Uh how about there are 6 other people playing the same game? Their guns, their subs, the map, the area of the map everyone is occupying? Do those suffice for you? And I only mentioned 1v1s as an example, and how exactly are you going to pick someone off if they're not in range? You make it...
  7. Vexen

    The Meta's most underrated weapons.

    And how often do expect as a squiffer to be in a 1v1? There are so many variables that all work against the squiffer that it really doesn't matter. In the absolute perfect scenario, the squiffer is probably one of the best weapons out there. The problem is, there is no absolute perfect scenario...
  8. Vexen

    The Meta's most underrated weapons.

    Of course in the right hands any weapon can "demolish", that doesn't make it a great weapon. In league of legends and many other games with lots of choices for people to use there are those that "main" one specific champion and they usually have strong performances against players with no...
  9. Vexen

    The Meta's most underrated weapons.

    If you want "passive aggressive prick" then here, I think YOU need to mind your own business. That being said, now lets not turn this thread into some pointless argument about who is or isn't passive aggressive and who should or should not mind their own business. It's whatever dude, I'm sure...
  10. Vexen

    What are the best gear abilities in your opinion?

    Yeah bomb sniffer is pretty useless even in ranked, the only thing it would be good for is mines but not many people use mines on anything besides tower control and obvious choke point traps. So it won't be like you're just tripping over yourself trying to avoid mines all game
  11. Vexen

    Is this just me?

    It's definitely annoying to have happen, I went from C+ to C- once, then after climbing all the way to B- I fell back down to C. After the second fall I started to tinker around with weapons and abilities as well. My personal rule of thumb for those games has been "play until you lose 3 games."...
  12. Vexen

    How should I deal with teams that just don't get it...?

    My rule of thumb for teams and lobbies like that is, play in the same lobby until you lose. That way if you have a competent team that you'd like to play with again you hit yes when it asks if you want to keep going and maybe you'll get at least one the memebers of the team that you won with...
  13. Vexen

    The Meta's most underrated weapons.

    You need to not sound like a prick, I don't know where you got the idea you can just have that kind of tone with whoever and it'd be ok. The wikia says that it has splatbombs as a sub, I'm sorry that I didn't "fact check" before talking about it but it doesn't give you the right to sound like a...
  14. Vexen

    The Meta's most underrated weapons.

    Except snipers aren't meant to "get in the action" that often, they're not effective in close range scenarios, the whole purpose of playing the sniper is being able to pick off enemies at a long distance, sure everyone hates the ones that just sit there and do nothing but you get the point. Also...
  15. Vexen

    My opinions on the maps competitive balance.

    I honestly can't understand why people would consider arrowama "really" good for splatzones, it's probably the worst of all the maps in my opinion. The biggest problem with it is that it's on the high ground so anyone competent can just camp right there and prevent the primary path to the point...
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