Recent content by ViziVoir

  1. ViziVoir

    Any stages you simply despise!?

    Can't stand Moray Towers. I mean, I get it, they wanted a stage good for chargers....but it's bad for everyone else! You need crazy mobility and some really defensive play, in turf wars, at least, and I can never quite get the hang of it.
  2. ViziVoir

    Numbers in Octo Valley? Am I crazy?

    So, I noticed just now while playing through the single-player campaign, there seems to be a number 3 reflected on this switch in red. (Sorry for the low-quality image: it's over by level 26, if you want to check it out for yourself. Stand on the first moving platform past the checkpoint.)...
  3. ViziVoir

    What do you guys think of the Tri-Slosher?

    I used it in the first game, so I'm....pretty happy with how OP it is, lol. Honestly, I do hope they nerf it. I'm a tri-slosher main, and having an advantage is nice, and all, but I'd prefer it to be fair.
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