Recent content by WhiteShiningDiamond

  1. WhiteShiningDiamond

    Global Splatfest: Fancy Party vs. Costume Party

    Dressing up in scratchy outfits is fun and all... But anytime when it's socially acceptable to cosplay..... I'm gonna cosplay! Costume party~ Blub!
  2. WhiteShiningDiamond

    Oh stars I've been gone too long...

    Oh stars I've been gone too long...
  3. WhiteShiningDiamond

    We need shouts other than "Booyah" and "C'mon"!

    "Help" or "Stop ****** dying" would be pretty nice.
  4. WhiteShiningDiamond

    Well I guess we know who Cthulu ate.

    Well I guess we know who Cthulu ate.
  5. WhiteShiningDiamond

    Being alone is really starting to get me down.

    Being alone is really starting to get me down.
  6. WhiteShiningDiamond

    This game is my life.

    This game is my life.
  7. WhiteShiningDiamond

    The Next US Splatfest: ART VS SCIENCE

    THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING! It's already this bad.... in 8 hours, the first blood will be drawn.... What's next!? SQUIDIN' Cthulhu comes out of theTVscreen and devours the losing team!!!??
  8. WhiteShiningDiamond

    The Next US Splatfest: ART VS SCIENCE

    The hatred and burning salty wounds are worse this splatfest then usual. Ehhh... Nin, really touched home base with a lot of people....scares me.
  9. WhiteShiningDiamond

    new kid on the block!

    Welcome to he... Squid boards. Nice to meet ya and hope you enjoy mingling.
  10. WhiteShiningDiamond

    Okay a link would be nice, it's probably buried by now. I've been trying to join alot of...

    Okay a link would be nice, it's probably buried by now. I've been trying to join alot of Plantoons lately so sorry if I can't remember everybody and have time to read through every groups entire profile page.
  11. WhiteShiningDiamond

    No I'm not an idiot I know how to get three slots I mean STARS. The quality of gear. I only wear...

    No I'm not an idiot I know how to get three slots I mean STARS. The quality of gear. I only wear the finest. But I 've loved my headphones since the dawn of this game
  12. WhiteShiningDiamond

    [SPOILERS] Sadie's Song Discussion Thread

    Currently singing that song as I make ramen noodles.
  13. WhiteShiningDiamond

    Who are you?

    Who are you?
  14. WhiteShiningDiamond

    Splatoon Plushies are coming

    Ohhhhh the flippin' squid! I WANT THEM ALL! AHHHHHHHH!
  15. WhiteShiningDiamond

    Why can't there be 3 star headphones?

    Why can't there be 3 star headphones?
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