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Hello, my name is Tommy. I chose the name Emma because it is what I use for my femail avatar in games. I have been with Nintendo for the entirty of my short lifespan. my favorite games are "Super Paper Mario," "Donky Kong Country: Tropical Freeze" and, "Xenoblade Chronicles." I main the Rapid Blaster Pro and ocasionaly the Hero Dulies and Hero Blaster. I am trying to expiriment with new weapons to add more variaty with my play. I generaly like the role of combat support. Ranks: SZ(A-) TC(A) RM(A-) Level: 33 SR(Profeshonal) Hours Played: 125. I will chose Pearl for the Marina vs. Pearl splatfest when it happens and Squid Sisters for the Squid Sisters vs. Off the Hook splatfest if there is one. Contact: yourasquidnowyourakidnow50@gmail.com
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