Recent content by Yosi Spring

  1. Yosi Spring

    What do you think is underrated?

    The replay mode graph feature, I don't think I've ever seen a post about it.
  2. Yosi Spring

    Survey for my dissertation, please answer honestly :)

    Have you ever been frustrated or tilted while playing Splatoon? Probably for at least 1 match every time I play 😂 What, if anything, frustrates/tilts you? Netcode lag, misinputs, or losing streaks. If I see someone teleporting around I'll quit out of the lobby after the match ends. Misinputs...
  3. Yosi Spring


  4. Yosi Spring

    I 4-starred Reeflux without getting the Tenta Missile badge 😂😂

    Yeah I might try to get that. Bit unfortunate that they don't have any badges between 30 wins and 180 wins!
  5. Yosi Spring

    I 4-starred Reeflux without getting the Tenta Missile badge 😂😂

    I was a big missile spammer in Splatoon 2 and a lot of people were saying missiles were OP at the start of Splatoon 3, so I thought it would be funny to see how many wins I could rack up without using any missiles. Well here we are 2 years later and I still haven't gotten the missiles badge ahaha
  6. Yosi Spring

    Cutting half of the weapons in S3

    Cutting out Squeezer, Sblast, Squiffer, and Reeflux (the jumpy weapons) is so sad 😭 I mean Squeezer definitely needs to go, but I'd like at least one of the other weapons to stay lol
  7. Yosi Spring

    What's your favourite post-launch Splatoon 3 weapon?

    It was Sblast for a year and then Decav came out. RIP Sblast
  8. Yosi Spring

    Final Splatfest has been announced

    need to make sure past LOSES so we don't go back to Ink Armor / Stingray this is a great Splatfest theme and absolutely nothing wrong could come out of it 🙂
  9. Yosi Spring

    What was your favorite splatfest?

    Shiver vs Frye vs Big Man, because Tricolor is soooooooooo much better on random stages
  10. Yosi Spring

    What is getting nerfed next update

    Hero Shot main, but I really want splattershot's points for special to be nerfed lol
  11. Yosi Spring

    motion or stick...?

    +5 motion gang 😂
  12. Yosi Spring

    poll about winning/losing

    In Ranked I'd prefer to get carried, but overall I'd rather play consistently well because I value hitting sick clips more than anything else (yeah I'm a New Squiffer player 😂)
  13. Yosi Spring

    How much do you use the NSO app?

    Multiple times per day because I like seeing how many assists I got after playing games, as well as tracking wins and such.
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