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Maybe if everything is getting these kinds of buffs. but there are very clearly more buffs for shooters than the other classes, so we might just be getting closer to shooters as a class being overtuned.
Don't have a ton to say that hasn't already been said but the zooka nerf fixes exactly the problem i have with it. they have to actually hit you for you to die.
reminder that adding the 60/53 damage hitbox in the first place is what shot it up into the meta.
If you're firing straight forward, sure. but if you're trying to paint you're not going to be doing that, you're going to be spreading your shots out as much as you can so they don't overlap. I could see it affecting the paint slightly in some situations, but really it's just a fighting buff.
dznuts being a splatoon reference is killing me. because it's funny but also because i know for a fact that whenever i hear dz nuts now i'm going to think of splatoon and there's nothing i can do about it