Recent content by youre_a_squib_now

  1. youre_a_squib_now

    New Patch??

    Maybe if everything is getting these kinds of buffs. but there are very clearly more buffs for shooters than the other classes, so we might just be getting closer to shooters as a class being overtuned.
  2. youre_a_squib_now

    New Patch??

    Don't have a ton to say that hasn't already been said but the zooka nerf fixes exactly the problem i have with it. they have to actually hit you for you to die. reminder that adding the 60/53 damage hitbox in the first place is what shot it up into the meta.
  3. youre_a_squib_now

    Last person to comment wins!

    well i'd say you didn't call it.
  4. youre_a_squib_now

    New Patch??

    If you're firing straight forward, sure. but if you're trying to paint you're not going to be doing that, you're going to be spreading your shots out as much as you can so they don't overlap. I could see it affecting the paint slightly in some situations, but really it's just a fighting buff.
  5. youre_a_squib_now

    New Patch?? don't have less paint? your shots are more accurate, that's entirely different. I'm not sure where you're getting this from.
  6. youre_a_squib_now

    Guess who's going to post next?

    that's not how it goes, you-
  7. youre_a_squib_now

    Count to 5,000 Inklings

    well i am also here so i guess that makes 205
  8. youre_a_squib_now

    Last person to comment wins!

    imagine opening squidboards 10 years later after saying exactly 7 things and you have 100 pages worth of notifications
  9. youre_a_squib_now

    Guess who's going to post next?

  10. youre_a_squib_now

    Guess who's going to post next?

  11. youre_a_squib_now


    *points charger laser at you*
  12. youre_a_squib_now

    Guess who's going to post next?

    not today
  13. youre_a_squib_now

    dznuts being a splatoon reference is killing me. because it's funny but also because i know for...

    dznuts being a splatoon reference is killing me. because it's funny but also because i know for a fact that whenever i hear dz nuts now i'm going to think of splatoon and there's nothing i can do about it
  14. youre_a_squib_now

    excellent choice of pokemon btw

    excellent choice of pokemon btw
  15. youre_a_squib_now

    The Banned Game

    ^banned for not being sad
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