Recent content by Zeriel00

  1. Zeriel00

    Stacking Damage Up on .52 Gal

    I already told you logically why I chose not to stack Damage ups, I thought it would help others to see different ways of play style but you have to come and shove your way of playing on me like I have to play the way you tell me to? and if not then you call me names? what are you 12? I play...
  2. Zeriel00

    Stacking Damage Up on .52 Gal

    So you're calling me a scrub because I don't like using Damage up? ok Have fun being an elitist I'll just continue enjoying the game using the skills I like to use because I play this game for fun, crazy I know
  3. Zeriel00

    Stacking Damage Up on .52 Gal

    Stacking defense up according to this thread xD :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
  4. Zeriel00

    Guess the Next person to Post

    SPLAT RORRA DA!!!!!!!!!!! WWRYYYYY Next is.....Ansible? :D
  5. Zeriel00

    I calculated how tall Inklings are, and they're tiny!

    Ah ok I have a question, if they're 1'9, wouldn't the N-zap look giant on their hands? I mean it's meant to fit a normal human that's normally around 5' tall, that's why I thought it wouldn't be a normal sized gun. Great job btw, keep it up!
  6. Zeriel00

    What's your goal in life?

    Lol every anime fan's goal is to move to Japan, realize the pro's and con's first, Japan is not a paradise there's a lot of problems including major amounts of racism towards foreigners, you need to be mentally prepared. This is specially true for Americans, this generation full of political...
  7. Zeriel00

    Stacking Damage Up on .52 Gal

    I will never use Damage up and I guess we'll both have to learn to live with this decision LOL
  8. Zeriel00

    Help get a Spectator Mode and LAN Support added to Splatoon!

    Didn't Nintendo basically shut us down when they cancelled Splat Fests? I'm thinking they only want to work on the NX from now on and they just want to forget the Wii U ever happened... and what do you mean by LAN? can you play Splatoon on a LAN?
  9. Zeriel00

    I calculated how tall Inklings are, and they're tiny!

    26 my ***! I refuse to believe that soon I'll be older than Mario!!!!!!! xD Common he's like 40, America just censors it because Peach looks really young :p
  10. Zeriel00

    Help get a Spectator Mode and LAN Support added to Splatoon!

    Nintendo will NEVER implement this, they simply don't care and already abandoned the Wii U, our best hope is to wait for Splatoon 2, and Nintendo is known for ignoring popular franchises, when was the last Super Metroid? 6 years ago? :( Nintendo is good at producing quality but they don't...
  11. Zeriel00

    I calculated how tall Inklings are, and they're tiny!

    That's a good one! but what if they evolved to be bigger or smaller after 15,000 years :p
  12. Zeriel00

    Stacking Damage Up on .52 Gal

    I did say I was a noob, but this is not rocket science, all the results are documented and laid down by numbers and graphics. I have also played almost exclusively the .52 and tested damage ups for hours and even then this is very clear cut. I understand everything you said and we both have...
  13. Zeriel00

    What's your goal in life?

    To reach S rank in Splatoon! Also learning Japanese to play imported games! Life is boring and pointless so my meaning of life is to play games, collect money and escape boredom until I reach the great Turf war in the sky :D
  14. Zeriel00

    Stacking Damage Up on .52 Gal

    I'm not confusing anything, I tested Damage up extensively on the .52 and let me tell you is nearly useless, Stacking Damage up improves your ink fallout damage equivalent to a whopping 3 steps of range, also a single sub can beat a defense main but in order to beat more than that you need to...
  15. Zeriel00

    is an octo brush offensive or defensive?

    I would say is both, I saw one today and I'm usually in the front lines with my .52 and then comes this guy with an Octobrush, he looks like a Tazmanian devil! :eek: Shooting it is pretty useless I think the constant swinging blocks shots and he was tearing trough my team and occasionally...
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