Recent content by Zinerry

  1. Zinerry


    I'll make sure you go against the best players possible before you can even go against me, so you get knocked out before our match.
  2. Zinerry


    Do you really want to this time? Remember what happened last time? Timezones suck.
  3. Zinerry


    So Celestial Championship is back! This is a 1v1 Tournament that we've hosted back when the squad was created. So the newer members probably never heard of this. Just post here if you want to join. It'll last for a month in order to get all the matches in. It'll be using a bracket system.
  4. Zinerry

    The Chibi Squid Squad Challenges Celestial Squids.

    Well not right now, we have a tournament soon.
  5. Zinerry

    Yeah, I was kind of busy today, so I couldn't get around to this stuff. I'm adding you right now.

    Yeah, I was kind of busy today, so I couldn't get around to this stuff. I'm adding you right now.
  6. Zinerry


    I'll add you in a few minutes on both skype and the wii u.
  7. Zinerry


    You're in. Send a request to join the squad.
  8. Zinerry


    I just did.
  9. Zinerry


    My squad said they'll accept you. So welcome to the squad.
  10. Zinerry


    Just add me and I'll play with you later, NNID is Zinerry.
  11. Zinerry


    We would have to see how you play before letting you in, but you grabbed my attention by being a Touhou fan lol.
  12. Zinerry

    New squad twitter

    Now that I think about it, why haven't we bothered getting a streamer as a teammate?
  13. Zinerry

    Yeah I am, those matches were pretty fun. It'll be a rare sight to see me playing with those...

    Yeah I am, those matches were pretty fun. It'll be a rare sight to see me playing with those three though. Since we're part of different squads, but I hang out with them all the time.
  14. Zinerry

    Finally reached S+!

    Finally reached S+!
  15. Zinerry

    Celestial Championship Sign Up (Members Only)

    Sign(fak u monkey i spel how i want) up day is here! And so is the Celestial Championship! Just comment here if you're joining or not. I'll mark everyone down. Good luck guys.
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