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Shoutout to DzNutsKong (dzkong?) (dznuts?) for banging out a wall of text like an hour and half after notes drop that is some commitment to the posting.
Ok so these patch notes definitely exist. It's on the whole positive but it does feel like a lot of extremely minor adjustments and nerfs that...
This is a great and very needed post and I personally have a lot of thoughts about this since I’ve been on so many teams over the past 8 years. I’ve learned a lot and made a lot of mistakes, as both a captain, a teammate, and a friend.
It just happens, I personally think a mistake...
I think the only thing I would actually change about decav would be the oneshot hitbox. It's just not very intuitive and far and away the most "annoying" thing about the weapon. I don't even think it would hurt viability that much since I doubt decav's are trying to actually space their dashes...
According to splatnet winrate it's currently Umami, which is surprising honestly I thought it would be a splatoon 2 map since I'm more adapted to those maps.
I have a lot to say about this topic but I feel like this just fully doubles down on the idea that the resources available for newer players is insufficient. But our scene has done almost nothing but cater towards entry level. The idea that "we" (as in a community) failed to cultivate these...
None of my original post was hyperbole, I strongly believe your changes are so enormous and wide sweeping that it would severely damage the game in its current state. The fact you even suggested these in the first place. and defended them as ruthlessly as you did is strange considering how...
I'll keep this quick but when I initially read this post. I saw the "I am in the right here, there is no convincing me otherwise." And just completely assumed you were baiting someone into a discussion about this. Because frankly it is an interesting topic to explore. And why else would you put...
You are just shadow boxing against nobody. You are perceiving flaws and an inherent "OPNess" of lethals because you just aren't good at playing against them. You think I'm being entitled? to what? Because I care about the health of a metagame more than my own personal preferences?
You are...
Well there is a lot here.
A tool to displace backlines isn’t mandatory for a front to be good.
This is a good starting point. Bombs displace everyone, not just backlines. Bombs help force people off high ground, stop midlines from aggressively dropping onto fronts, and temporarily hold space...