
I have a lot of notes but most obvious is the gear recommendations of ink rec and rp, and NOT qr or lde. i cant elaborate much further with the character limit.
ill post more thoughts as i have them while reading through. overall it sounds like you're around the skill/knowledge of an A+ or S player and attempting to be a guide for C and B players. which is fine, just avoid any serious debate.
also, dynamo horizontal swing is around 0.75 seconds to fire, vertical is ~0.92 seconds. neither are over a second. consult inkipedia for the weapon's stats.
gdynamo tends to be much more defensive since it doesn't have a way to escape enemy ink but has higher ranged presence. vdynamo has sprinkler for movement and cooler as insurance to let it play very far forward.
your thoughts on gold in zones are fine actually, but vanilla is equally good. it's more just who wants cooler. the action doesnt have to be around the zone with cooler, you can place it wherever and it enables you to move up. it's moreso just if you want another cooler wep.
oh but chumps are a good zones retake option, you can place them on zones to help get back in AND use their paint, it isnt mutually exclusive. in fact this is probably chump's best use.
one of the other main reasons you want vanilla over gold on rainmaker is because vanilla is just faster. sprinkler lets you keep up with your team better. cooler gives the rainmaker better mobility and means that dangerous rainmaker pushes wont lose you the game. also dynamo's role in pushes isnt painting lines, but instead keeping people off the rainmaker or ideally covering a ledge.
vanilla is just as good in clams, again. and gold can be fine in tc, especially on defense. honestly it's less of a mode thing between the two and more of a playstyle thing. except rainmaker, never play gold there.
stealth is basically impossible on dynamo. i wouldnt recommend it. you don't win fights on dynamo by being stealthy, you just rig them. set up in a powerful high spot, under ledge, behind a little block, get a 2v1. until then, hold your ground, preferrably not alone and vulnerable.
if you're using your roll to drop down on people and kill them you're playing in C rank, respectfully. it doesnt even have a hitbox while falling. generally roll is used to kill a superjump landing, cover the top of a wall someone is coming up, escaping a bad spot (not good at it but we take what we can get), or the last bit of paint before special if you're low on ink.
isnt recommended for beginners but 1-2 subs ism works fine. a lot of qr dynamos do this.
in solo, comeback is more effective for the vanilla kit, not the gold. because you have a cooler that you can reliably access. also gold will just generally be less risky and usually plays to camp somewhat.
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