
I've had people tell me before that anarchy matchmaking can be more or less a coin flip and I was mildly annoyed by those comments because it felt like they were trying to make excuses for me to make me feel better and since I was trying to identify my mistakes/weaknesses I didn't find that feedback useful. I still don't feel like it's useful but I'm starting to think that maybe it's not necessarily incorrect.
But I think what prompts this is that lately my awareness has been improving, and whereas before I felt like I could barely tell what was going on at any given moment, I feel like I have a better grasp on what is going on now and can tell when I've just been put up against people who vastly out-skill me or just have teammates that are as confused and lost as I was not even half a rank ago.
So I'm going to consider it a positive thing that my awareness has developed enough for me to actually understand when I've been dealt a bad hand and be annoyed by it, hah.

Anyway, I don't need to annoyed by this anyway because we've already established that Everything's Made Up and The Points Don't Matter (but it's honestly remarkable how difficult it is to peel my brain off of a Numbers Fixation)
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