
im going to reply like 4 times bc of character limit lol bear with me

- 1 sub of quick super jump is really really good. you get a ton of value out of it for just one sub, your jump startup time goes from 80 frames to 58 frames which is really noticeable. i recommend running 1 qsj on literally everything
- 1 sub of ink resist up is also very good. you noticeably run faster in enemy ink and take less damage from it (w/ no ink res you immediately take damage when stepping in enemy ink whereas w/ one sub its a 10 frame delay). you can also run this on basically everything except i dont think its that relevant for dualies?
- 1 sub of special saver is good too. with one sub you lose ~10% less of your special when you die. this is a bit more situational, its better on weapons that die more so i wouldnt recommend it for backlines. but if you have room in your build it wont hurt
- sub resist up/bomb defense is useless dont run it lol
an easy thing you can do for builds is make a shoe thats stealth jump + 1 qsj 1 ink res 1 special saver so you basically have the utility subs prebuilt and you can put other stuff on the hat/shirt
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