Preferred name: Aubrey (Or John Cena)
Nintendo Network ID: abbeylilbit
Squid Boards Name: Aubz
3DS FC*: I don't have a 3DS. (1 liek=1 crie)
Country: U.S., in Texas.
Time Zone: Central
Weapon of choice: Dynamo roller
Rank & Level: A, (almost A+), level 43.
Skype username: aubreygirlgaming (I think?? if not, try aubreygirl1115 or abbeylilbit.)
Favorite color*: blue
Tell us a little about yourself: I have way too much time on my hands. I am 14 years old, and I enjoy writing, watching cartoons, and kicking butt in Splatoon. I would like to join Le Meme Team because I, like many others, wish to be a dank meme dealer when I grow up. Joining Le Meme Team will help me achieve my dream, or should I say, my meme dream.
Thank you, and I hope I can be considered.
-John Cena (Aubrey)