A Burst of Ink Tryouts


Feb 25, 2016
Hello again! I'm still looking for new members for my squad! I'm going to start doing tryouts on April 4th through the 10th!
You have until April 3rd to fill out your applications!

Note: You don’t have to be a certain rank to apply for this squad. But it is recommended that you’re at
least an A+ rank player.


- You must be 16+.

- Must be active. Failure to do so may result into being kicked out of the squad.

I usually play Splatoon during the afternoon throughout the week. If something comes up in your personal life it
your job to contact me or our Co-Captain.

- Able to work with others in a respectful manner. I want everyone here to feel comfortable,

so rude/disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated here. (Teamwork everyone!)

- You must add the squad tag to your name.

- Learn callouts.

- Be friendly.

- Must be able to use Discord as a way of communicating through matches.

- Must able to show up for practices. Since this squad is new there isn’t a schedule for

practices yet. Once again if there’s a reason why you can’t show up for practice you must
contact me or our Co-Captain.

- Willing to improve your skills.

- You must have a reliable internet connection.

- Another way to contact you on social media just in case of an emergency.

Apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1uQwZ0RMhdsvmCAz0NPrjz9NuLU_gpsPLFLZmlm4jsJM/viewform

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