A QR/SJ Discussion Thread

How should Quick Respawn and Stealth Jump be dealt with in a competitive environment?

  • Ignore Both

    Votes: 16 48.5%
  • Ban Both

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Limit Both

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Ignore QR, Ban SJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ignore QR, Limit SJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban QR, Ignore SJ

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Ban QR, Limit SJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Limit QR, Ignore SJ

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • Limit QR, Ban SJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Full-time TO
Site Moderator
Event Organizer
Jun 6, 2015
The Squidhole
Hello, everyone-

While looking through my Twitter feed earlier today, I came across many people scrutinizing Quick Respawn and Stealth Jump gear abilities compositions in a recent tournament. I figure that it's finally time to end this debate once and for all. I'll set it up, and you all can maintain having a civilized discussion below before you vote in the poll. Without further ado, let me set the stage.

Quick Respawn:ability_quickrespawn: and Stealth Jump:ability_stealthjump: should be familiar to anyone who plays the game of Splatoon. These abilities have been notorious in the past, and many people have been on either side of the coin. On one end, these abilities can be used to keep the opposing team on their heels and cause quite a nuisance to them. On the receiving end can be killed from absolutely nowhere, creating a game that doesn't quite feel just and fun.

So, what do you think? You have two weeks to discuss and vote. You may change your vote if you are convinced that you were wrong.

Poll Vocabulary:
"Ignore" - leave as is, perfectly legal.
"Limit" - limit usage, as in, perhaps a specific number of QR can be used per player, or one person can have SJ.
"Ban" - Ban the ability such that it cannot be used.
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Nov 14, 2015
Santa Clara, CA
teams showed today that you can counter qr sj. yes, it is annoying af, i've had my moments too. but, in the end, just learn to counter the meta so its no longer the meta.


Aug 2, 2015
Jacksonville, FL
If you can't play against h*cking gear abilities, maybe you're not as good as you think you are. Maybe it's less of the abilities fault and more of your unwillingness to accept you need to improve yourself.

Light Brand

Inkster Jr.
Jul 11, 2015
This is also the millionth time a poll has been made about this, and it will be the millionth time nothing is done, too. QRSJ is not egregious enough to warrant any sort of general limitation. People's emotions run high after tournaments, and they vent on Twitter. It is nothing more than salt and a scapegoat.


Splatoon subreddit & discord Mod
Community Ambassador
Jul 9, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I don't like QR/SJ, I think it gives teams too much free pressure and even if it's not OP it's just completely frustrating to do with because even if your eyes are glued to the sky you just miss a jump once and every falls apart after that smallest gain of momentum from the enemy. I often feel like the only way to beat QR/SJ is to just so savagely outplay the enemy that you win every duel and never trade.

But no one cares what I think and it's part of the game so a broad motion to limit or ban QR/SJ seems excessive although it's something that's been needed in other games before.

If the TOs want to limit QR/SJ(And I do think it's interesting to have limited tourneys sometimes such as limited invi specials) I welcome that but that is their choice.

tl;dr I hate it but it's not a problem enough that it needs to be banned.

Edit: You know I keep coming back to this consideration and honestly, I can't soundly form a consensus. I think there are really good points on both sides about why or why not. Additionally, I think I may just be underqualified.

It's not totally broken, but then something also doesn't need to be totally broken to be totally dominant or otherwise negative for the experience.
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Feb 20, 2016
Honestly this is all just really petty. Lots of salty, inexperienced players getting mad over an ability that Nintendo has not altered drastically for a reason. If they don't want to play this game for an ability that THEY can't deal with then they should just stop playing this game. Some tourneys ban these abilities ,but that's just the tourney. Any TO could make any tourney the way they want. If you don't like the rules then don't play lol.


Splatoon subreddit & discord Mod
Community Ambassador
Jul 9, 2016
Switch Friend Code
If you can't play against h*cking gear abilities, maybe you're not as good as you think you are. Maybe it's less of the abilities fault and more of your unwillingness to accept you need to improve yourself.
This isn't about playing against hacked abilities, most players gear edit in comp anyway, the problem is with the abilities themselves existing.


Senior Squid
Apr 14, 2015
Just because something isn't blatantly overpowered doesn't mean it doesn't negatively affect the meta. Most of the time, between two similarly-skilled teams, QRSJ simply provides a greater boost than other abilities, effectively centralizing the meta around QRSJ. At top play, you rarely see teams deviate from QRSJ simply due to the benefits QRSJ provides. You also cannot deny the popularity of the Bleck n Spoon series of tournaments (a very popular series despite it happening late at night during the week for quite a few players), and the recent rule change to SyCup to only allow one player to use QRSJ (with the player registered beforehand). I personally would like to see QRSJ at least limited à la SyCup. I wouldn't mind a ban like what Bleck n Spoon offers, but I personally think that's way too extreme.


The Count
Event Organizer
Jul 18, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I say limiting the QR/SJ combo to 1 person should be a thing, because if that's a thing, everybody cannot use it, as they're forced to implement strategies to counter it, instead of complaining about it being overused, and eventually hoping on the bandwagon of using themselves. That's what I'll be implementing for Turficane 5 as well.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I used to get mocked a tad for my love of Quick Respawn. If this is a thing these days, I feel vindicated.

Do keep in mind that Quick Respawn, handy as it is, does nothing for the opponent while they're alive. That in itself is a balancing factor, going against someone packing Swim/Damage/Ink Saver/what have you. I really don't think it's dominant enough to be bannable, but then I'm not a fan of banning things unless the devs of a title absolutely failed to balance their game properly.


Splatoon subreddit & discord Mod
Community Ambassador
Jul 9, 2016
Switch Friend Code
It's worth noting that weapons like TTek or .Gal scarcely need anything besides QR, and then weapons that may can probably fit in around 10-20 points of something else (Often covered by ComeBack or such) and still keep enough QR to make it as good as it is. Run Speed on most weapons lost a lot of effect as players got better at aiming, so no loss there either, hence why the only TTek builds right now are QRS or Def+.

Something else that gives me pause about making a decision is, just because something isn't totally broken or is "Counterable" doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't create a stale/uninteresting or even outright negative situation. Maybe if we weren't all so focused on invi specials and QRSJ we'd come up with some really neat stuff apart from that, but as it stands it seems like nothing besides QRSJ or strategies specifically to counters QRSJ are at all valid.

This might be more a spectators opinion than a players, and definitely in Halo I had a mindset of "I just want to use the BR and nothing else because the BR is what works", but I see Splatoon with all these options and half+ of them being just not good, and I think that's bad game design. Although I have heard one or two opinions about how the QR meta has opened up much more for options, much more than the splashwall meta, although it doesn't feel like it to me?

Is it bad enough for us as players to compensate for? Well maybe not, maybe just here and there, honestly I reiterate I'm probably not qualified to give an answer by myself.
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The Artist
Site Moderator
Apr 23, 2015
As someone who personally thinks that the ability combo is fairly strong but not "Broken" or "OP", I feel like there is a huge issue with these abilities and how people are trying to argue against them or combat them.

From what I've been able to get from people who have played longer than me and know a think or two aboth these abilities, I've found that both of these abilities do multiple different things, QR enables respawn time to be lowered thus giving you more freedom to not have to really worry to much about being killed. It also enables teams to put themselves into a "Zombie" scenario where you can quite literally throw yourself at the other team so that you can easily chip away at their setup and take them out effectively. The thing is, the only thing to counter this play is by having a fairly strong defensive composition while also having direct communication and quite literally calling out when someone is going to rush you. Stealth jump makes all of this even worse because now you are giving yourself an automatic flank button. So then what are the reliable counters against this? of course people would say there are none aside from generally smart play and on occasion they would be right but not entirely. Countering the ability combos are nonexistent since they literally is nothing to nullify the abilities in this sense.

This basically explains some the situation i just mentioned here:
Something else that gives me pause about making a decision is, just because something isn't totally broken or is "Counterable" doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't create a stale/uninteresting or even outright negative situation. Maybe if we weren't all so focused on invi specials and QRSJ we'd come up with some really neat stuff apart from that, but as it stands it seems like nothing besides QRSJ or strategies specifically to counters QRSJ are at all valid.
The thing is, we're investing so much time into trying to find ways to counter the abilities and that leads to us completely undervaluing so many other options like invi specials, weapon/team comps, and literal competitive strategies that involve keeping the enemy in the time out chair.

I'm going to finish this off with a statement and a question. We need to figure out by the time that S2 comes out how teams/players can deal with these types of players (Because we all know it isn't impossible to deal with them, it's just that nobody wants to deal with them) and this type of competitive layout could absolutely drag into S2 if there is nothing being pitched. Lastly I want to ask you all this.

Is it more important for us to disregard the slight severity that this competitive layout suggests by simply saying how "it is what it is" and stating that people need to deal with what they have or is it better to analyze and craft possible solutions while also showing/teaching players (regardless of skill/rank/whatever) how to approach it? I'm genuinely curious as to what people think about how they want to approach this situation instead of firing off before they've even found the target. Less complaints more suggestions and questions. Have a nice day.


Full Squid
Mar 25, 2014
Alright, so you scrublords think that QRSJ is just a salt inducing strategy and honestly you need to #GETGUD if you dislike it. But honestly that just shows your lack of understanding of Splatoon and it's mechanics and more importantly high-level splatoon play. When you're really good at this game, it's not uncommon to find squids running around frantically trying to pick the opponent but constantly re-positioning themselves with their ink. The more mobile squid is the most likely to win, which is why you see techniques like "Splat-Dashing" to allow a stronger chance of victory other than simply standing and shooting strafing right to left. (Although this is apparent in Splatlings.)

If you look at this VOD you'll see me get some kills one after another. I literally cannot even wipe the enemy team before they respawn. These people aren't even using QR. But you see, that's the problem. Respawn timers are boosted on certain game modes like Rainmaker making the respawn time like 3-4 seconds?


Look at this clip, again no one is using QRSJ, but you can see that by the time I finished, they respawned. This is a very lucky scenario. Killing 3 people right in a row. Ridiculous gameplay that is rare to happen in high-level tournaments since QRSJ users spread out (allowing for more jumping options) and make it hard to track. Now imagine if they had QRSJ? They could've jumped to the guy, and even if we're prepared by looking in the sky they may have traded with a dynamo flick upon drop swing, or something of that nature and keep suicide diving us until eventually our squid numbers are less than theirs.

Anyways, the point here is we can't even wipe a team in the amount of time given by the QRSJ. The only way this happens if you MAJORLY outplay an enemy team, but what happens if you're close in skill level? Those at the higher ends of Splatoon are really close together, and guess what that means? That means the team running QRSJ is basically going to be a step-ahead of their opponents just because of a gear combo, and that really sucks since why would I bother running other gear when this one takes the cake? Sure my K/D might not look pretty, but I sure as hell will prevent all sorts of pushes by just coming back over and over again like a zombie nightmare. It's not creating "good" players and reinforcing "good" decision making. It's just allowing you to suicide over and over and over again until you win. And I'll admit, it's fun to do. But being on the receiving end sucks, because there is very little interaction. I can't just use an ability that limits their time in game. I have NO interaction with it other than "don't die" which isn't going to happen in a high-level match where squids are closer in skill.

Alright, so in theory, let's say you predict their drop points by placing a wail more or less where they're going to drop in. You're using a wail to assume they'll jump to Squid A, but what if they jump to Squid C instead? Exactly, we don't know. There's no way of knowing unless it's literally one squid left. Which in those situations most teams work it out and are fine. But the problem arises when it's a close fight and it's 2-2 or something of that nature.

This is why players have argued for respawn timers to be higher, and I agree. Honestly the rate at which squid kids respawn is really fast. We should be respawning every 9 seconds which QR lowering it to say 7 seconds. But the problem is that's not the current balance of the game. So this is why I believe that QRSJ in conjunction is too powerful to be used on more than one player on a team. Dealing with one is fine, but as soon as it's spread to 2 or more on a competent team, the power of the gear grows exponentially and it's not something you can counter play using any other gear set, because like I said. It's not impossible for them to trade in a neutral position giving their team an advantage before anything happens. It's not impossible for them to get a "comeback" from a lost trade when a dynamo comes behind two of your team mates and kills them before they can even react to it.

Funny part is, a lot of this wouldn't be too entirely horrible, but those young Squid Kids recover from battle way too quickly making this way more dangerous than it really should be.

It's not impossible to win given the circumstances, but it's really difficult to play against and illogically gives a bunch of suicidal squids a lot more presence on the map than they honestly deserve. Being "good" at a shooter, should mean you have good spacing and good shooting skills. Not ability to just suicide push until your enemy runs out of resources, which is what QRSJ basically does. It rewards mistakes, which is what's inherently messed up about Quick Respawn being a part of Splatoon. But I like the idea a little bit, I just think at the moment it's too powerful.

The main culprit here is Quick Respawn. Stealth Jump is very fun and interesting to surprise an opponent from spawn or from another point in the map, but coupled with QR it allows for really cheeky plays. I'd recommend not allowing them to be used together, or if you like the idea of suicidal strats limit the QR to 2 mains as shown in the picture. That way the players who are successful have a bit more breathing room to deal with their opponents rather than just trading 24/7.

TL;DR (Main Points):

- Reduce Quick Respawn to the image shown below. That way QRSJ isn't abusive, but is still a viable option. (Enforcing this would be easy via Screenshot/Stream should someone catch another cheating.)

- Quick Respawn Stealth Jump has no real interaction against it other than doing it yourself or strong outplay of your opponents (Team Wipe in literally 5 seconds or less.) So increasing respawn from 5s to 6.5s or less should be enough to allow some breathing room.

- Stealth Jump itself isn't the problem. Stealth jump by itself is a cool idea to come from spawn and trick your opponents who aren't prepared. But paired with QR makes it close to impossible to wipe a team (especially a strong team) before you respawn and continue to pressure key-areas of the map.



Full Squid
Mar 25, 2014

You can watch some top-level QRSJ play here. You can see how it's just a mess of no one able to get a foot hold on anyone because the respawn times are so fast. And when they do it's just the same thing over and over again. Suicide pushes and even when you have the lead you're suicide pushing until eventually you win.

That's just... uninteresting.

But the key to remember is Splatoon 1 is literally on it's last legs as Splatoon 2 is about to come out. I do hope sincerely that they adjust the numbers a bit, but for Splat 1... As a community I think we should consider nerfing their respawn ourselves by limiting QR or simply removing the pair. Because QR SJ isn't allowing meta shifts, it's staling the game to suicide pushes.

I'd even be down for limiting it to 1 person, because then you can still be cheeky but it won't be a complete disaster.
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The Artist
Site Moderator
Apr 23, 2015
While yes, S1 is on it's last run, that doesn't mean the current playstyle with qr/sj wont still carry over. If they dont get any kind of a change or if the abilities stay as they are, or heck even if they dont add any new abilities, it really wont be as different in that sense. It could also go two other ways, maybe the modes will be tweaked or the weapons will be more versatile enough to combat these kinds of players (in theory atleast) and maybe they might give either ability a bit of a nullification nerf if grouped up together like having SJ but it would nullify QR to some degree or vise versa.

You can watch some top-level QRSJ play here. You can see how it's just a mess of no one able to get a foot hold on anyone because the respawn times are so fast. And when they do it's just the same thing over and over again. Suicide pushes and even when you have the lead you're suicide pushing until eventually you win.

That's just... uninteresting.

But the key to remember is Splatoon 1 is literally on it's last legs as Splatoon 2 is about to come out. I do hope sincerely that they adjust the numbers a bit, but for Splat 1... As a community I think we should consider nerfing their respawn ourselves by limiting QR or simply removing the pair. Because QR SJ isn't allowing meta shifts, it's staling the game to suicide pushes.
I do agree with the fact that suicide dives are incredibly boring, not to mention cringy since it's really, horrifically uncomfortable, to watch someone make incredibly unsafe plays and then somehow still benefit from them in the long run.

Anything can happen with the new game, and i'm all down for that. I just hope that people understand that these abilities have been able to do what they can do since the start and are NOW just being abused, which is why i'm implying that S2 wont have anything different.
Either way tho, valid points.


Dec 10, 2015
after every inkstorm people complain about QRSJ, but nothing ever happens.

But the key to remember is Splatoon 1 is literally on it's last legs as Splatoon 2 is about to come out. I do hope sincerely that they adjust the numbers a bit, but for Splat 1... As a community I think we should consider nerfing their respawn ourselves by limiting QR or simply removing the pair. Because QR SJ isn't allowing meta shifts, it's staling the game to suicide pushes.
In any case, suicide pushes will only work against teams that are either inexperienced at playing against a team that uses qrsj (see: western teams vs japanese teams in last inkstorm), inexperienced in general, or are not using voice chat or even looking for stealth jumps. At a high or top level, which I assume is what we're talking about here, suicide pushes will never work. When a player with qrsj suicide jumps to the enemy's base when their teammate has overextended, they die. A blaster, a dynamo, and a shooter destroy them. When teams with qrsj do nothing but repeatedly jump to the tower, it will feed the enemy team kills and stagger their team to the point where the enemy team has taken the lead by standing there and shooting.

The thing that teams don't bother to do against QRSJ is predict the jumps. If you kill a shooter and the other shooter has QRSJ, at least one person has to either put a bomb down, or wait for the jump and shoot when they land. When you do this, it's essentially a free double kill and some map control. This is the way to counter QRSJ, but teams in the West would rather complain when their egos get destroyed after getting 3-0'd by TESTA. People have argued that QRSJ requires a comp change and strategy change, but it honestly doesn't. If you want a certain player to focus map control so they can get bubble and push in, you can do it. If you want to cover for a player so that they can flank, you can do it. Any other strategy that can be done without QRSJ on the other team, can be done with QRSJ on the other team. Any comp can work if QRSJ is on the other team, all that matters is that you know how to counter if someone jumps in.

What teams in the west don't know how to deal with, however, is how the Japanese teams use stealth jump. In the West, our teams will use it as an easy push. Someone gets a kill, dies, someone jumps into their place, and they trade for one. In the East, the players will use it to get back in. The team will spread out across the map, so that when one dies, they get to stealth jump back in and whoever they jumped to can move freely across the map, setting up for kill options. This is because of the fact that they often play Splat Zones, where a team can get walled out easily.

Teams getting walled out happens much more often in the West than the East because our players don't spread out enough. A flanker comes in, they get a double, their team comes in for cleanup, and they cap zone and proceed to wall out the other team.

Lately, a teammate and I will often get two other players that we know and scrim Japanese teams. Yes, they use QRSJ. But they use it in the way that I described by spreading out. My team and I, until now, did not know how to properly use QRSJ. Because of this, we get grouped up and the scenario I described above happens. The Japanese team walls us out easily because we don't know how to use the combo on the mode. When we get the zone, it's almost never because we get a full wipe. Their team is spread out far enough that even if two die, rarely will the other two die with them, so then their team comes back and we have to defend the zone. We don't get the easy points like they do against us.

Coming down to it, there is a big difference between Western usage of QRSJ and Eastern usage of QRSJ in Splat Zones. Our usage is easily countered, which at the top level makes for only one or two people per team using the combo and the rest can use whatever gear they want. Their usage is much smarter, and thus it makes it harder to wall them out, or get a good push to cap the zone, etc.

However, in Tower Control, we have a higher winrate. In this mode, it is harder to get a good difference between the Western and Eastern usage of the combo because they use it in relatively the same way. The fact that one luna blaster can wipe out a whole tower, or an invincibility special can 1v4 and stall the tower drastically changes how the combo gets used. It results in people jumping to tower while it's being stalled, and then because of the fact that people don't watch it often, they can stall it long enough for their whole team to come back, so one or two people go to the tower, and the charger might stay back and get picks to stop the enemy team from stopping the push at a more aggressive position. The push continues as far as it can without special usage, and then either it gets knocked out because they get kills while pushing, or they all die and the charger has to either go back. Another option is, of course, to have the charger move somewhere so that the players with QRSJ can come back into the game for free, which is why people dislike it.

ok, this post is already long enough and it's mostly gibberish. i'll just post this unfinished thing here

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