A Rank Single Squid LF Squad


Oct 22, 2015
Sick of trying to rank up getting matched with PuGs
Looking for a group of B-A's to work my way to S with, or an S rank squad willing to work with me as I rank up.

NNID: Mirokits
Email: pizzariffic@yahoo.com
I mostly play short/mid range weapons. I'm very good with sloshers/rollers (I say this confidently because I normally outplay anyone with the same weapon as my on another team), but I'm starting to pick up blasters and brushes. As far as team role, I usually play pretty defensively. I try to make sure that we're not getting flanked and normally either go for the objective of the game, or support the team mate who's doing it themselves. I have a good handle of strategy for this game, and I make sure to always look at the map lol.

Hit me up if it sounds like I could be a benefit to your squad.


Senior Squid
Oct 12, 2015
(シ_ _)シ

Hi I'm Egolegume leader and organizer of CLAN ™
I'm looking for more members both casual
and ranked players who want to join a team.

All Clan members are required to place the
symbol at the end of the Nintendo Nickname.

Casual players have no other requirements
except to participate and communicate.
Post to threads, chat in skype or Discord.
Generally get acquainted with the clan!

Ranked players have a few more requirements.
♥ Attend schedule matches / practices.
♥ Discord & Skype on your devices.
♥ Reliable microphone.
♥ Reliable internet connection.
♥ Willingness to learn callouts.
♥ High skill in 1 weapon class, willingness to learn a second.
To join our ranked side please fill out this form.

Timezone: Mountain Standard Time

♥ Eastern Time is 2 hours ahead of Mountain Time
♥ Mountain Time is 1 hour ahead of Pacific Time

Region: North America
Language: English

Text Communication: Groups & Skype
VoIP: Discord (*required by ranked players, optional for casuals)

Members: 20

CLAN ™ goal is to create a large, versatile open Splatoon
community that engages in both sides of the splatting world.
We are interested in create a fun place for casual players
with private matches in mixed game modes. While also
providing a place for competitive players that participated
in training session, ranked matches, and tournaments.

Skype: Princess.Power.Dynamic
Twitter: Egolegume


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