Advice Needed: Heavy Splatling in Flounder Heights


Inkster Jr.
Jul 17, 2015
Hi, everyone. I need some advice or videos on how you handle the Heavy in Flounder Heights in TW. I generally lose in Flounder with the Heavy and I can't pinpoint why. I am competent with the Heavy on other maps, pulling at least a 50/50 win rate, but not so with Flounder. About the only thing I've found success with is rushing the center and then taking out bad guys as they rise to the middle, but if that gambit doesn't work I am largely out of tactics.


Full Squid
Sep 7, 2015
One of my favorite tactics is to go to the right side of the tower and climb ALL the way from the trench to the narrow wall above (the highest, thinnest point on the map, for reference). This lets you cover the hard-to-reach back area, and ambush people defending their side. The splatling's range lets you climb the wall immediately with only one round of shots.

The splatling itself is very strong in the trench areas because they're long and open, and its range can shine. Just watch out for squids jumping down on you.

Otherwise, I would just hold the top like you said. You can challenge chargers on the other side thanks to your splash wall, and if they don't have chargers, holding the area is a lot simpler.


Inkling Cadet
May 21, 2015
for turf war, it depends on what kind of team you have. if they're aggressive, spend your time painting, and put walls up for them. if they're painters, go for your strategy and rush to the center.

Flounder is my favorite map, and i know every nook and cranny. use the map's maneuverability to your advantage. paint every climbable wall you see at least once as you go. it doesn't need to be perfect, but enough to climb up if you're in a jam. if the center is taken, hug the left of the stage, and climb up that area left of the incline, behind the roof access doors. or climb over the wall, into the opponents' same area. just be sure to watch your surroundings.

one there, don't stand still. squids like to hop the wall, and surprise you. if no one's coming in that direction, paint up the roof area, and shower the lower alcove's walls with your paint. it's much tougher for them to get to you in the middle of either rooftop this way.

if the team's busy with fighting, go to their area, and paint over all their wall access points. then wait for the rush, 'cause at least one squid will notice. pick them off easily with distance and a splash wall, or just avoid them altogether if you have the chance. up to you.

after that, it's just about suppression.keep them painting the same area, and watch your back.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
While my experience with Tower Control matches using the Heavy Splatling is minimal at best (and I've never played on Flonder Heights in Ranked), I'd say you should try to place yourself somewhere where you can make the most out of your range, preferably in an area where you can shoot at enemies in the tower or in the tower's path (like the ledges on the sides of the middle area; they also work for flank attacks). The Heavy Splatling suffers at close range because of the long charge time combined with the limited firing time and the horrid accuracy, so it's best to keep the enemy at a distance or prepare a charge preemptively from behind cover before taking a peek. However, if you want to play very aggressively and be the one in the tower you can try out the Mini Splatling; it has my record of most splats in a Turf War match ;)

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