Any Instrument Players?


Inkling Commander
Jul 31, 2024
Northern Inkadia
what about them
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I have played violin or viola... I'll just say since I was very young, and I never stopped. I've recently tried learning piano and guitar but never got far with either due to lack of interest (i still haven't figured out how to go about tuning my guitar to 15edo) or just not having enough time for that and viola and everything else. I've been in orchestra for as long as I've been in a school with one (i wanna say i always will be but that's not happening 💔) so yeah. music is cool. Haven't had much opportunity to do microtonal stuff but that'll change eventually.

Oh and I've been making some music in Sky if it's relevant. Not sure how much it counts for but it's a nice opportunity for me to get the music out of my head without getting out an entire viola. (clarification: it is still in my head and I would not have it any other way. it is just also somewhere else.)
Mixolydian starting on G3 best scale tho


Inkling Cadet
Nov 28, 2021
I play Bass-Guitar. It is my only hobby outside of freaking video games.

I also have this bass-banjo thing. It's played the same way so I don't know whether it counts as its own instrument or not.

Smash Arena

Pro Squid
Dec 11, 2014
Back when I was in grammar and middle school, I used to play the trumpet. I was never good at it as I didn't bother practicing, but overall I am just not very musically-inclined. My older brother, on the other hand, has played a few instruments and has really been getting back into the piano lately.

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